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Posts posted by Wiler77

  1. 1 minute ago, Boerne Horn said:

    Canada for head fucking coach.  Fuck this shit.  I spend too much god damned money and energy on this fucking program to watch this shitshow week in and week out.

    You spend money on this??  You must be young or have more money than sense.

    I hate that we lost, but the days of me wasting Saturdays anticipating our games and then watching a train wreck are long over.  

  2. 19 hours ago, RPM said:

    Haven't seen A Quiet Place, but I've always been disappointed with him in anything but The Office. Who knows, maybe he can pull a Ryan Reynolds and turn his career around.

    Ever seen 13 hours?  I thought he was great in that.  The movie was really good, too.  Crazy intense.

  3. So many good quotes to chose, so much circular logic. This is my favorite part:

    "While those denials were plainly not accurate, Coach Meyer did not, in our view, deliberately lie."


    Wait...no, no.

    I like the line about being sure that if Urbs knew about the domestic violence, he would have fired Coach Smith on the spot.

    Uh, why?  He didn't fire him at Florida when it happened, and he re-hired him at OSU.  Why would he fire him now?


    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Magus Ossis said:

    The thing about fake heart disease is that it can result in fake heart attacks anytime. Very hard illness to predict sometimes.

    And on top of that, the medicine he takes for his fake heart disease leads to fake memory loss.  This guy has a rough life.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Was just about to mention Sirloin Stockade...how long have they been kaput?


    Edit: Still showing active locations according to the googles, I haven't seen on in a long, long time.

    There's one on the east side of I-35 in Round Rock.  I know this because every time we drive to Dallas to visit the in-laws, I notice it and comment how amazed I am that place is still in business.  And usually when I say this the parking lot is full.  I've never been, but I assumed it was a poor man's Golden Corral, as sad as that sounds.

  6. 20 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    At this point, if he really wants to help out Ohio State/ Urban Meyer, it would be best if he pulled his name out in trying to keep the job... It puts tOSU in a tough spot...

    If it weren't for the wife beating, this would be such an enjoyable off season story.

    "Aside from that, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?"

    But McMurphy's absolute dick slap of Smith and OSU every step of the way should be a Harvard Case Study

    • Haha 1
  7. 1. I love McMurphy.  I mean LOVE the guy.  He's playing this to perfection.

    2. I love the flat out lies by Lionel Hutz, and the circular logic.  "You obtained those pictures illegally.  Those aren't of my client, but you obtained them illegally".  Uh, if they aren't your client, how the fuck do you know how I obtained them?

    • Like 3
  8. 20 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Every time I see that clip this room gets all dusty.  Fuck.  What an immense, immense talent.  One "immense" doesn't do her justice.  An absolute national . . . world . . . treasure.

    Can you imagine having Aretha singing your song?  Cripes.

    You ain't lying'.  I'm not sure I've ever seen that clip, and I couldn't help get tears in my eyes as I listened.  I'm not sure I've ever had a voice move me to tears.

    Songs, yes.  Lyrics, yes.  But that voice...holy shit.

  9. I find it bothersome that these coaches seem to think their responsibility in physical or sexual abuse allegations is to simply report it under "proper" protocol" and then go on with life.  As if that absolves them of anything that happens in the future.  My boss thinks it OK, so that makes it ok. Nevermind that I promote core values with "treat women with respect" as one of them.

    • Like 1
  10. On 7/20/2018 at 8:26 AM, NorLa Horns said:

    Anwar Richardson made a pretty telling point on the OB podcast yesterday. At media day, Beck and Hager both were talking about when the team really started buying in. That was during Bowl practice. and who wasnt there during bowl practice? Elliot, Williams and Jefferson. I think that is telling. The "I love Charley " crew wasnt there anymore. the locker room cancers were gone.

    These guys were Charlies guys, maybe Elliot in particular with the daughter thing. How vocal was he? how disruptive was he? well obviously pretty bad , if the staff asked players to distance themselves from him.

    And the dude is so blind to the fact he would in no way be where he is today if Charley was still here. Elliot would still be on the bench. 

    Elliot posting this shit on twitter shows just how delusional he is. He thinks hes his own creation. that he got himself to the NFL. smh

    Anwar has zero inside information and very rarely has a telling point.  The idea of people being "xxxx's guys" is pretty overrated.  When Charlie purged "Mack's guys" and got "his guys" on the field, they sucked.  In fact, "Mack's guys" during Charlie's first year were the best players we fielded for Charlie's entire tenure.

    Elliott wasn't very good when Charlie was coach.  Was it an issue of just needing time to develop?  Did he feel like he didn't need to work as hard since he was dating Charlie's daughter?  I have no idea, but his development from year 2 to year 3 (Herman's first year) was striking.

    Also, I find it hard to believe Elliott and Malik were some sort of locker room cancers.  The defense improved throughout the season last year, which is the opposite direction I would expect if 2 of the clear leaders were cancers.  And Connor played in what, 3 games?  He's not influencing much.  And it's not like the team lacked effort.  The OL lacked ability and our QB made some pretty dumb decisions in "win or lose" situations.

    • Like 3
  11. 4 hours ago, Whitman said:

    If I were you, I would come in and catch up on the news for an hour or so over coffee, and then either start taking classes online for some type of masters, or start a side business.  At a minimum, learn a new language. 

    This is pretty solid advice.  It's going to get really boring.

    Maybe day trading, although that can be risky.  Or catch up on your reading list.

    I like Whitman's suggestions the best.  Learn a language and take some classes online.

  12. 1 hour ago, Sandman said:

    I don't blame these guys, especially RBs, for retiring early. I think you qualify for the pension after 4 years, so he's got that. Walk away while you can actually walk.

    Is 7 years really "retiring early"?  That's way longer than the average NFL career, especially RBs.  And like you said, he qualified for the pension after 4, and presumably he's still relatively healthy.  I think he's retiring at the right time.  If you wait until it starts to hurt before you retire, I'd say you retired too late.

  13. 1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

    ever think it was disastrous because its SAP?

    I'm not confused as to the cause of the cluster fuck.  I had nothing to do with the decision.  I was drafted to help with the cleanup.

  14. Went to Singapore for 2 weeks during a disastrous SAP transition about 15 years ago.  Lived at the warehouse from 7am-10pm every day.  For lunch, I ate with the warehouse workers who got a non-descript rice, veggie, chicken/pork/shrimp lunch everyday.  It was glorious.  All of the Americans traveling with me insisted on McDonalds.  Mc-fucking-Donalds.  Had one of the warehouse managers tell me on the first day that they didn't buy enough of the rice lunches for me, so I handed him a S$100 bill and said I would need him to include me in his lunch purchase every day I was there.

    That ended up being a fun trip.  The days sucked, but I would leave work and hang out at one of the all-night hawker villages for a couple of hours drinking Tiger beer, eating local food. and people watching.  5-6 hours of sleep every night, followed by a long day at the warehouse, and a few peaceful hours by myself at the hawkers stand with my Tiger, satay, gai lon, and murtabak.  Rinse, wash, repeat.  

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