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Pig Bellmont

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  1. The story for 2024: Shit talent on both lines and overpaid skills players.
  2. I will say that Osha’s turn to the dark side made much more sense to me than Anakin’s in the prequels. Yes it’s a poorly acted mess, but I don’t take Star Wars that seriously
  3. But I guess the special counsel that prosecuted Hunter Biden is fine. Just the absolute worst legal theory, and belies blatant corruption. Maybe now Canon will be removed from this case after appeal but the goal to run out the clock will have been accomplished.
  4. The only way out is to pack the Court and undo the crazy bullshit of this term - but I can’t see how that actually gets accomplished. 6 members of the Court paved the way for a GOP dictatorship. It’s insane to me how many people, including Roberts, want Trump to be dictator for life. It’s difficult to understand why so many people are ho hum about this slow moving coup
  5. I was with you until here. My take was that Carmen heard Chef tell him he was excellent. Despite being so full of rage he received the recognition and respect he never had while working for him and it brought him to tears. I thought that conversation was great drama and acting by both
  6. Agree - it’s all palace intrigue and little action.
  7. I mean aside from supporting bomb threats to children’s hospitals perhaps they should be ashamed about pretending Elon’s prop comedy dad joke from the day he took over twitter (after he failed in court to back out) was funny or cool
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