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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Why just January? What happens then? Do this all over again?
  2. Comeback should be "100% of all Republicans voted against Jeffries. Why aren't you more bipartisan?"
  3. I'm stunned that having your minions threaten other members and their families didn't win people over.
  4. I think OKC's strategy is to pay the core 3 or 4 however much it takes and just use all of the 2nd rounders and occasional firsts to augment the roster. Just volume pick the 2nd rounder and a few will stick as league minimum guys. I don't understand how the the new cap works so there's that. I just don't see them trading a number of the picks and one of their current core guys for a star.
  5. Also, I remember some X's and O's type breaking down OU's problems when they had Spencer Rattler. If you remember, the run game completely went to shit at one point and no one knew why being that running was a staple of LR's offense. They broke down the bread and butter of LR's offense, which is the Counter Trey pulling the guard and tackle: In short, they said if the QB isn't a legitimate run/pass threat, the defense can just crash down to where the play is going being that the QB isn't a threat to keep. In short, unless you have an elite run/pass guy who does both at an elite level, the whole thing falls apart. Teams were simply dropping 7-8 guys at one point and just flooding that play direction. LR didn't know how to adjust so he just threw CW in during the Texas game.
  6. Not just that but on offense it was heavily tilted towards the skill positions to the point it skewed the ranks of the total class. OU was an NFL factory on offense. Five star recruits became AA's that became early round picks that became good NFL players. On defense, it was a bunch of 3 star guys who were late round picks at best.
  7. Does anyone have a breakout about how the famed "Problem Solvers Caucus (lulz)" voted?
  8. I've read some references to how Jordan acted during the process. (Worse than usual for him, evidently.) Does anyone know the details?
  9. If anyone knows how to twist body parts, it's Gym Jordan.
  10. Not only that, he's at his earning peak right now. (Well, maybe when he left OU he was at his peak.) Anyway, without CW, his last OU team would likely have been 6-6 and without CW, this USC team would be 6-6 at best. CW ain't walking through that door next year so what does SC look like then? 6-6? He's not getting a big money deal then. That's why I think he takes off after this season. He sees the writing on the wall with the roster and the Big 10 move.
  11. And unfortunately, OJ is not one of them.
  12. Was on an AA flight from San Diego to Phoenix two weeks ago. An FA that was dead heading boarded the plane and was one of the last people to board. Someone was in her seat. The FA working the flight told that woman to go to her assigned seat. Someone was there. So on and so forth for another 5-6 people. The gate agent then came onto the plane, got on the intercom, and told everyone not in their assigned to move to where that was. I looked back and saw at least 30 people get up and move. One guy was in row 12 or something and his ticket was row 35. I didn't realize how many people just sat where ever they wanted to....
  13. What's lost in all of this the OU program was in a solid place when he took over and to Chi's point, they got worse every year. They didn't fall off a cliff but people who watched the games could tell. By his last season, they were exactly what USC is now. They had CW who bailed them out of games against bad teams but otherwise, the roster wasn't very good and the S&C was significantly below average.
  14. Yeah, the smartest thing Switzer ever did was make OU a defacto Texas program. He always found reasons to play games in the state and recruited Houston really well along with DFW. He even wanted OU to join the SWC at one point. Now, DFW is at least twice the size as it was just 20 years ago. Also, OU as a school has always had a large number of Texas students.
  15. All of this. I grew up in OK and have lived extensively across the Texas cities at various points and I can safely say that all of these posts are right. 90% of both states are complete rural shitholes. If you took the state borders away, you would be able to tell the difference between the two. The burbs are essentially the same except the Texas burbs are more expensive. (Mostly.) The cities are like any other city. There are good parts and bad parts. Yes, large swaths of OKC and Tulsa are shitholes but they have some good neighborhoods. Same with the Texas cities. If you were to make me pick between OKC and Dallas, I actually might pick OKC for various reasons but if you asked me that 10-15 years ago, I'd say "Dallas" before you even finished the question. They've done more than any city in America to improve themselves over the past few decades. Sure, both Dallas and OKC have their upsides and downsides but the difference between the two isn't like it used to be. But OKC vs Arlington? M'kay.
  16. I'd say the same about LR and the NFL. There's this narrative that he'll take off for that but what makes anyone think he'll do well there?
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