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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. SMU having a QB named Preston Stone and his brother Parker Stone on staff is the most SMU thing ever.
  2. They play USC in Boulder at the end of September and USC's defense sucks complete ass.
  3. Did they photoshop his goiter out?
  4. OU wasn't even getting visits from these guys under LR. (Said he couldn't recruit to Norman but OK.) I suspect the kid from Missouri flip by signing day, too.
  5. Texas' endowment is literally 30x the size of Bama's. Want to have a dick measuring contest about money, go right ahead.
  6. Father in law lives in Nashville. Said that's basically what happened there. Wedding "venues" everywhere like you just described. A barn in a field.
  7. I will say that I'm not impressed with the food options at the international terminal at ATL.
  8. I don't know about the threesomes but the first part is true. Lot more women than men and they're secretly DTF. Downside is they want to get married yesterday.
  9. Agreed on the iPhones. Went to a funeral this past week for a former co-worker from 15-20 years ago. We were in IT together in a pre iPhone era and the company had a stringent internet policy so you know what we all did? We'd roll into the isle and talk to each other. We knew a surprising amount about each other's personal lives. Cell phones are a blessing and a curse but if you want to meet people, don't use them as often.
  10. So, despite having a reputation of some offensive savant, Mike Gundy's best QB on the roster is a walk on?
  11. Fair point but why is his walk on son even in a game that's even close?
  12. Have we thought for a second that maybe TCU just kind of sucks? They're trotting out Chandler Morris for God's sake and Rapey McBriles is calling plays like he's playing video games.
  13. My wife (no pics) "Deon went from Jackson State to the whitest school in the country?" Me "Denver is the White Atlanta."
  14. Arky State sucks complete ass.
  15. This happens a lot in retirement, actually. People move to where the grandkids are or they move to some retirement spot. Either way, they've moved to a city where they know no one and are starting over from scratch.
  16. Who would have thought that running "religious schools" is wide open for fraud? BTW, the kids were in on the scam. Some of them were 22 years old.
  17. Agree with everything posted here about it being a problem and some of the suggestions. However, you have to put yourself out there. People are not going to beat a path to your door. This applies to friendships as well as possible romantic relationships as well. I hear men complain about not being able to meet women. Go to where the women are. Same with friends. Whatever you like to do, there's likely a group for it. Go there and do that with them. Find your tribe.
  18. Had a long time friend/former co worker die of bile duct cancer this week. (I knew she had cancer but didn't know the details or the severity.) I knew nothing about bile duct dancer until today but it sounds awful and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Sounded completely fucking awful. I googled it and learned it's rare and by the time you have symptoms and can detect it, you're basically dead man walking. Fucking awful way to go. Fuck cancer. Really, fuck it. Tons of shit bags in this world are still alive but she'd dead of fucking bile duct cancer.
  19. Again, like the Senators in the previous episode, not how calm his handlers are. They've seen this before.
  20. "Why hasn't Joe Biden visited Florida yet!!!???" In all seriousness, I expect to be saying that by tomorrow morning.
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