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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. I assume that anything labeled "prawn" is from SE Asia. Is that right?
  2. Of course. And maybe that tells you something about what team those WNBA and NBA people were supporting.
  3. They fed all their articles into AI and it spit out "WTF is this shit?"
  4. Came to post this. She was knocking people down on screens with no call earlier in the game. Whining about one call at the end is pretty rich.
  5. Porter Brown has 15 RBI in 111 at bats.
  6. They left like 15 guys on base. It could have very easily been a laugher. Well, it kind of was a laugher, but you know what I mean.
  7. Do schools make these guys fill out an application and supply three references? I mean, are Chris Beard and Bob Donewald sitting there looking up their apartment numbers in Little Rock, Arkansas?
  8. I would not do that. Move him to Sunday. Because that's what he is. Your third best starter. The only other viable candidates to start weekends are Boehm and Hurley. Hurley is worse than LBJ. Boehm is a no go because then you are relying on Duplantier to close out games.
  9. I think it's more about expectations than caring. There are people who think that because of our past, it's not realistic to think we can become, for example, a top 10 program in basketball. And because they think that's not realistic, they postulate that we cannot attract a top 10 coach. Which then weakens the argument for firing the current top 150 coach. Setting aside for a moment the fact that we do not have the political will to fire said coach at this time. Or that we can clearly hire a Rick Barnes or Chris Beard level coach. I think CDC has changed the paradigm at Texas. The next basketball coach we hire (assuming CDC is still the AD) is going to be better than Rick Barnes or Chris Beard.
  10. 12 hits and 5 runs is not shitting the bed. I put this season almost entirely on the pitching. You can point out where we lost games only scoring 2 runs or 1 run. That happens every season. What shouldn't happen is the mood on the club being constantly deflated by extremely shitty pitching performances. Your starting pitching, and to a lesser extent your set up people and closer, set the tone for the whole team. If they are are unreliable, where does the confidence come from? Pierce's teams have usually liked to operate from ahead, trying to put pressure on people early. When you are constantly playing from behind early, or your pen is constantly not holding teams after you score, doubt grows and people press at the plate. All that said, I don't like how home run centric some on this team have become. Baseball at this level is not about hitting .250 and hitting double digit home runs. It's about getting on base. We have too many guys who don't prioritize getting on base.
  11. Explain how this is not an inside job, with all the knowledge about the facility you would have to have to pull this off. The list of possible suspects or suspects' informants has to be pretty easy to narrow down to a few hundred people. People associated with the safe company, building maintenance contractors, guys who physically transfer the money, security system contractors, etc.
  12. Some guys just can't handle the pressure. Move him to Saturday. Throw the 5-8 guy on Fridays. He seems to have no fear.
  13. Galvan has had some night at the plate
  14. Two of the outs that inning were atrocious strike calls. Changes the game.
  15. Pierce said you could hear it hit metal
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