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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BLKNSTY

  1. if anyone ever asks me the best way to get socialists and trump fuckers to gargle and swap cum like a Stormi & Monica shoot - I’m gonna point them to this thread.
  2. lmao. bro. this is what got us in this fucking godforsaken situation in the first place.
  3. yeah man, I don’t know how anyone who’s a true blue rational democrat could see a Beto/Harris ticket and not count their lucky stars. especially when you consider they’d be going up against fucking Trump. a Beto/Harris ticket comfortably beats Trump in 2020. I think they’d actually complement each other pretty well too, Bleeding Heart Beto and Kamala the Cop.
  4. Beto/Yates 2020 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. well it ain’t like they gonna do shit so, yeah. Solid strategy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Saudi’s biggest allies in the region is Israel. They turned their back on the Palestinians, they could give fuck all about yellow Muslims, Rohingyas, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Dumb motherfucker talking dumb motherfucking shit. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/immigration/2018/06/23/texas-tech-frat-head-quits-after-racist-remarks-surface-including-suggestion-illegal-immigrants-hunted-sport y'all southern conservative white boys eat this shit up, click the link above. AND THIS WAS PRE-FUCKING CARAVAN. Seriously, imagine how comfortable you'd have to be to post this shit as the head of a fraternity.
  8. Bloomberg/Beto Biden/Beto . . . . Beto/Gillum Bernie/Beto Warren/Beto I think Bloomberg/Beto or Biden/Beto would have the best chance. Fuck Florida, don’t nominate anyone from CA to the ticket, and get you the Mid-West. Bloomberg/Beto would be the best two-some any rational, business-minded, fiscally responsible, socially liberal person.
  9. I don’t think there’s any doubt a civil war is on the horizon. Everyone saying that the 60s were a crazier time, I don’t buy it. there’s one, fairly important, difference. SOCIAL MEDIA. There’s a reason why they take fbook, etc. offline prior to elections in third-world countries. People, as a whole, are fucking retarded and extremely susceptible to believing something just because it jives well with how they “think”.
  10. Same, but I think 50-50 in the Senate. Heidi pulls it out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Comey’s letter. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/410625-new-epa-chiefs-social-media-use-includes-liking-racist-obama-memes lol it certainly won't help our climate ambitions if the director of the EPA likes images of the Obamas juxtaposed with a banana on social media. hahahaha - we're so fucked.
  13. https://twitter.com/IrishEagle/status/1050082142397583361 lol where's DJTJR talking shit about Cantore/Anderson now... Cantore almost fucking got Final Destinated.
  14. Man, I wish I wasn’t so jaded by American politics. We just put a rapist on the Supreme Court and half this board is probably harder than VY in ‘05. Like legit full on erection. Perhaps to completion? Interesting stuff. #teambrisket
  15. Dude might actually have a chance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. mannnnn, what the fuck is flake up to? I know, I know - 2020. interesting speech today. http:// https://www.newsweek.com/jeff-flake-donald-trump-obama-birthplace-1147245 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Beto absolutely crushed the second half and the ending was worthy of a Spartacus. True to form. fucking snake.
  18. lol he thinks Robert Lee was a hero. I’m not sayin’ all people who think of Robert E. Lee as a hero are racists, but all racists think of Lee as a hero. And I’m also sayin’ all people who think of Robert E. Lee as a hero are racists. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. http:// https://projects.propublica.org/bailout/ TLDR: Obama dropped $627 Billion on a bailout in 2008 and since then the US has the original $627 Billion and an additional $100 Billion in dividends and returns. Check out Freddie and Fannie, basically 187B in bailout monies and since then we’ve recouped like 400B. The issue is, they have no clue how to re-privatize it again and deal with the original shareholders that were holding worthless paper when it went broke. Fascinating stuff, really interested to see what happens here as there’s basically been no precedent on this type of shit.
  20. On point a - we already do, 3,000 ppl died in PR ago and not only does he fail to acknowledge it, he deflects, and for some reason thinks it’s okay to arbitrarily give himself an A+ in his response. On point b - trump is a racist and a bigot. Hurricane/no hurricane.
  21. How would you do it? An ETF that tracks crude? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. http:// Florida + Stand Your Ground, with an interesting twist. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. https://farmdocdaily.illinois.edu/2018/08/dispatches-from-the-trade-wars.html Great article from UI aka Libtard/Librul/Snowflake University on how much we're shooting ourselves in the foot. Bilateral trade deals with tariff reductions front and center are being executed left and right between any countries not named the US. Seems like everyone is stalling us out while they go behind our back, and you know, actually get shit done. Nice little insight there on the TPP. Fucking retarded to up and leave that deal. We literally spent millions of man hours putting this deal together on paper, which anyone who has been in business knows is the actual fucking hard part, and gave it to Japan for a big fat zero. We've ostracized ourselves from the Far East, the Greater Pacific, the EU, and North America. I sure hope we can get stuff in place with India, the Arabs (oil excluded, cause shale's hot, hot, hot), and the other shithole countries. Just fucking dumb.
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