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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Central Michigan hanging in there.
  2. KDB is so good. Fun game, not the best result, but that could have been way worse. Take care of business the rest of the way. Hopefully, Spurs will pull another one out.
  3. Just so much easy space for City 18-30y out
  4. Some spectacular passing and then some real shitty passing. We've missed wide open runs on the left wing a lot today.
  5. Looked off the hand, too, but hard to tell.
  6. Forgot how shitty ESPN was at this halftime stuff.
  7. That setup from Fabinho > Jota > Tsimikas was nice. Unfortunately, no shot on goal.
  8. It's not even Monday morning quarterbacking. Mendy was on fire. You keep him in. Even if you lose, it's the right call, and fuck Kepa's feelings. Mendy earned the right to the finish the match.
  9. Yeah, Kelleher has had some questionable decisions on some of these PKs, but he fucking ripped his shot. LOL.
  10. This has been a tremendous match, though. Some really good, entertaining play.
  11. "From 12 yards, Kepa is the man." Fuck that. I get it, but Mendy has been phenomenal today. He deserves to finish it. I hope we put one in here in the last minute.
  12. Fabinho with a lazy, unintelligent tackle. That could have led to a change for Chelsea.
  13. Shit, they're gonna say VVD is impeding James aren't they?
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