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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 8 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I lived in a world that included Pancho's all-you-can-eat. Who knows how many buttery honeyed sopapillas are stil stuck to the walls of my intestines. 

    Texas Union burritos and brownies. It was a good cafeteria.


    Also, the drinking age was 18. You do the math.


    OT specials, tater tots and beer.   Or Conan's pizza.   Manske buns at 2Js

  2. 18 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Time to announce that the military is looking to close their Alabama bases.

    Didn't they already lose the Space Defense HQ?   They decided to keep it in CO, right?

    But by the time they figured out how to pull all the bases out, Tuberville would be dead.  Not that they can't begin to reduce staffing and projects there, I guess.

  3. 19 hours ago, lemonandaturd said:

    This is such an important game on the national stage for Texas' entry next year to the SEC.   I doubt Sankey is going to want a Rig 12 type referee shitshow coming down on the newest member.  SEC crew will probably call it fairly.  

    I tend to agree with this due to the number of eyes watching more than Texas being a newcomer.  SEC wants to be perceived as the pinnacle of college football, and they can't do that if it's overly obvious that games are biased.  Not to say that there won't be some home cooking, but I don't think it will be overly egregious.  They will choose those plays that are subjective and let the calls (non-calls) benefit the Tide.


    1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    I think we could have named the score with Rice, but Sark had different goals.

    Someone here commented that Sark was dumb going long when the short game was there all night. Does this person not think Sarkisian saw this opportunity. Of course he did.

    The long ball is the dagger we need against quality opponents. I think it was wise to work on it against Rice. Even if it never looked very good, those game reps and film study afterwards will pay dividends down the line unless you think that Ewers just cannnot connect on the long ball ever. 

    We will see the short game this week against the Tide. We will see a lot of shit. If they work, then the long ball is poised to punish Alabama for playing too close to the line. Receivers downfield will likely be a little more open with room to adjust. Not saying Rice has a better secondary. Am saying Rice saw a lot of long balls and played it.

    I expect Ewers to be sharp. I expect the whole team to be focused for this contest. 

    I feel like we take them, but I would not bet a penny on it. 

    I felt the same way.  The Rice game just had a scrimmage feel to it.  More about lessons and learning than scoreboard.   I think it's why we saw 30 different players take defensive snaps in the first half alone.  Also why we didn't see more of Ford, Catalon and others, letting the younger unknowns prove themselves, or in the case of Gbenda to showcase his improvements.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 5 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I mean, we all liked Thomas The Tank Engine and our model train sets, but you realize those things run on tracks, right?  You don’t exactly need to pay top dollar for Michael Schumacher to drive them. 

    While they don't have to steer, that's a lot of weight to get started and maintain the right speed to make it over the next incline without going so fast you derail on a corner.   I got my son a train simulator a while back and thought like you did, until I tried it.    

  5. I steered clear of The Mick due to the title and the promo pic. I figured it would be another worn trope full of canned laugh tracks.  I was wrong (again).   Maybe if Shameless and Soap were to have a child.    It's definitely worth the 25 minutes to check out the pilot.  

  6. I wonder where we would be Covid-wise if everyone would have been on board with the vaccine.  Would be an interesting study, and I imagine someone from CDC is working one up.  Probably not too efficient though unless they are using asteriks on all the deaths probably due to covid, but blamed on something else to hide the actual cause.  Or for the conspiracy geeks, deaths written up at Covid that were totally unrelated.    Getting good data points would be a bitch.

  7. 4 hours ago, LateAughtsHorn said:

    An unprofessional, bush league conference is behaving unprofessionally? Who would have thought!?

    And yet they keep scratching their heads wondering why they've been relegated.

    At this point, i'm done paying any mind to it. Let's just win this po-dunk operation and gtfo. 

    While we're at it, let's take the Mens BBall, Vball, T&F, Swimming and Diving and baseball titles as we leave.  Probably too much to ask for softball against the Sooners.  Just leave the cupboard bare.

  8. So while in the B12 didn't Texas always opt to take the road of fairly sharing revenue with the other schools, even though they had the opportunity not to?  Seems that was part of the issue A&M had around the LHN and one of the lamest parts of aggy logic to leave for the SEC.

    It would be interesting for someone to run the figures on how the smaller schools would have done financially if UT had opted to take everything it could when offered and not tried to make it as palatable across the board as possible.   

    Somebody with a better memory and understanding of all that can hopefully explain this better.  Just sounds to me like those schools remaining in the B12 are angry because their cash cows are moving to greener pastures and they'll be poorer for it.  

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  9. 15 hours ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

    No, that's because people who didn't go to UT still root for UT. No one would do that for aggy

    There's a ton of people who never will go, or never went to A&M who pull for them.  And the first and only thing they take to heart is that every good aggy hates tu.  That's the only thing they can retain.  Like no matter they were never students, or don't even know where College Station is, but as long as they show proper disrespect for Texas, all is forgiven and they are given their aggy card.  

    13 hours ago, Deej said:

    aggy is just a feeder school.for the Texas Legislature.

    This is a feature, not a bug.

    12 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Somebody, I think that guy who is like the UT historian who worked at Exes for a long time.  He explained that Wayne was in Texas filming and there some Exes in the crew and he liked the association name so they gave him an honorary membership. And they spawned the idea of non alums getting memberships.  Which makes sense because most Longhorns don’t marry other Longhorns so the spousal membership and non alum life membership were born.  This was 1950s I think.  I am sure I am not remembering the details right but Wayne for sure had one.  I look up the number whenever we show folks around campus.  

    I want to say the movie was The Alamo, filmed at Brackettville at the heart of this.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

    Did Trump just admit that he has "murdered" someone?

    Trump wouldn't have the balls to murder someone.  Have someone murdered?  Yeah.  Do the deed himself?  Nah.

    13 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Yeah, there's a few different ways that syntax could go.  And I know his people are used to his rants on social media.  But I mean, in what world would you ever, ever under any kind of legal investigation from parking ticket to a coup to genocide would you possibly consider the use of the word "murder" in a written statement that the judge and jury could see?  

    I mean look, ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury...I may have double parked.  But that is nothing compared to the violent murder spree the other side's lawyer is about to discuss with you.  

    I get what Commander Dipshit is trying to say but that is just a really weird way to bring up something that should never be uttered, ever.  Especially if some of your crimes led to people...you know...dying.  From...you know...violence

    You mean like when at all his rallies he promotes physical violence as a way to handle protestors?

    4 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




    He's doing this to set up a defense later once he uses SocMed in a way they revoke his bail.  He can say he thought the bail was just for flight.   



    meathead 1.jpg

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, Slacks said:

    Personally, I hope the great QB coach can get Murphy to play well enough that we don't roll out another RSFR QB. 

    This is another concern of mine with Sark. We know he can coach QBs. We know he can call offense. Can he run an entire program and do all of those things well? Probably not, because there isn't enough time to focus on it.  So he has to limit/delegate some of what he does best, meaning he has to build and optimize a new skillset. 

    I would love for us to reload veteran QBs instead of reloading 2 and out QBs. Sark's success has been with veteran QBs. I really want us to have the ability to keep Arch on the bench for one more year of growth. If he's better than Murphy, of course Arch should start. We need to load up at QB again this year (every year). Can't win without them, and they leave when they win. 

    It seems to me that Milwee should be in charge of the basic development of the QB skills, and Sark just makes the final adjustments as needed as the player matures.   So maybe QB development is 80/20 Milwee/Sark, leaving Sark the other 80% of his efforts to the overall coaching of the team?     Otherwise what do we pay Milwee for?  


  12. 2 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Smart. Piss off and threaten the dude who knows where all the bodies are buried--some of which he buried himself and would probably like immunity from.

    They don't care if they piss him off, they just want to intimidate him into remaining silent.  Most of them have been fomenting for a civil war for over a decade.  They figure might as well get this thing going and if Meadows talks that brings it all closer to the kickoff.  

    Always amazes me how people like Tritt can connect certain dots, but not others.  Like they have some built in sense of bullshit, and that's what they gravitate to.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  13. Our depth is better than last year all the way across the board.  It's been a long time since we've had a 3-deep that isn't peppered generously with JAGs.   I think Sark has put together a great staff to develop this young talent both in coaching and S&C.  

    I think that depth is going to bring us at least 2 more games than last year.    Getting the bye week after OU will help recover and hopefully prevent UH from being a trap game.  I also like getting Baylor early.  Seems they always are a harder out at the end of the season.  I can see 11 wins.  

    Like a lot of you, the biggest cloud casting doubt for me is the officiating.  I think they will have to try to get into the Texas players' and coaches' heads early in some games by throwing outlandish flags.  It will be the only way to keep it close.  And even if our guys play a perfect game, they will fabricate things.    So how well Sark can control the emotions of the team to keep their focus on the opponents and not the refs will be important.   I see losing 1 for refs.

    I go 10.

  14. 7 hours ago, BamaATL said:

    The wife and I have decided to volunteer to help with Georgia 55, a program dedicated to helping people get to vote.  We are going to take off work during early voting to help people get to polls, drop boxes and etc by doing the ride program.  I don't know if such a thing exists in other states, but I believe there are opportunities out there along these lines.  My goal is to personally get 100 voters to vote that otherwise wouldn't have been able to.  How they vote is obviously their business, but I know any increase in participation is good and generally favors us.  Even if you can't volunteer that sort of time, there are other ways to contribute, such as coordination, vote curing, etc.  Bottom line, I'll be damned if I am going to watch these fucksticks win simply because someone like myself who had the ability to help didn't.  

    Georgia55 is a good group.  I hope someone in Texas develops one soon.  

    7 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is awesome.  Living in Texas, specifically Austin, it feels like a lost cause, but I should look into this as well.

    We definitely need all hands on deck starting now.  It's refreshing to see new blood getting involved and that helps reach new targets with different messages that might appeal more than the tired old trope.  We need election workers all over, especially the redder counties.    I'd suggest you reach out to your precinct chair first.  

    6 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    I've often wondered if Texas is a completely lost cause and it would be better for Texas Democrats to put their money and time into helping in states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, etc. 

    It's pretty interesting how many people we get volunteering on our voter protection hotline that come from other states, usually blue ones.  They make the efforts to train on the confusing Texas voter laws to help out.    Usually it's folks from California or up in the Northeast.

  15. About in the same timeline, we had an older guy in our town when I was growing up that got his jollies fondling little boys' junk through their pants.  Everybody knew the guy, he worked at a local hardware store.   His wife also worked for a local merchant, so they weren't like big wigs in the community.  I don't know how many victims he had, but I know it was considerable.  Seems enough kids had experienced it, that it was an inside joke among us and we called him Homo Hal.  No one ever did anything, no one ever reported him.  Maybe the adults knew and figured it was pretty harmless as long as it didn't go further?   Maybe the kids never said anything.  

    But yeah, that kind of thing wasn't often pursued, we didn't get any stranger-danger lectures.  This shit didn't happen, not the bad stuff.  we lived in Mayberry, Texas.   You have to remember this was about the time Whitman climbed the Tower.  That was unimaginable too to that society.  

    Personally, I went through a quick encounter being accosted by him in the grocery store.  Lasted maybe 30 seconds and all I could think was "what in the world is he doing?"  I mean this guy was older and everyone liked him, so it was confusing to me at like 6 if he was doing something wrong, and if I was right to stop him or not.  Before I could act, he was done and walking off after patting me on the head like nothing had happened, me holding that dozen eggs.

    But I don't think it had a lasting effect on me other than the oddity of the moment and the memory.  But each kid is different.  

    So yeah, at least in our little corner of Texas, things were different.    So the question to me is, are we better off or worse when you consider all things that have evolved or regressed?

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