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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 21 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    The really sad part is that I believe it. Here is the list as of March 2017.



    I think Trump is building a nest in G-eye-nah.   That way when the shit hits the fan here, he has a place to go.   What's mind bottling is that he is putting so much into his brand, his name.   That in his mind, the whole world loves him and always will.  No matter what. 

  2. 6 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    So since Trump couldn't deliver on the lifting of sanctions,  neither the Russian oil company nor Qatar came out a head on this, right? But Trump saying fuck the Iranian agreement means that Russian Oil should make bank now since there is less competition, right? Maybe that is why nobody could persuade Trump to change his mind, (not even his best bro Macron)no matter what they proposed. Today Bolten said this:

    John R. Bolton, the national security adviser, said on Sunday that European officials should have known that President Trump would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, despite months of negotiations to salvage the accord that they believed had brought them close to satisfying the president’s demands.

    “Despite the complete consistency of President Trump in his opposition to the deal — opposed to it as candidate Trump, opposed to it as President-elect Trump, opposed to it as President Trump — many people, including apparently former Secretary of State John Kerry, thought that we never would get out of it,” Mr. Bolton said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

    He also said that "it's possible" there will be secondary sanctions imposed on European companies as a result of the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. Bolton didn't rule out sanctions for European companies doing business with Iran.

    This was part of Putin's plan all along. Everything Trump said on the campaign trail and the stuff he has kept his promise about has been to benefit Russia. So the tariffs and the trade war with China does too. Trump really is a Manchurian candidate. Fucking traitor.

    What recourse do the European countries have? They are going to be strong armed into following us so Russia gets what they want.

    A more isolated and paranoid Iran means “the Russians gain geostrategically,” said Reza Marashi, the research director at the National Iranian American Council and a former State Department official.

    The United States, he added, is helping reinforce a perception that the Russians want to strengthen: that today Washington may hold sway in the southern half of the Middle East, but the north ― including key areas in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey ― is under Moscow’s influence.

    And that plays precisely into what Putin deeply desires ― to make Russia, 27 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, once again look like an equal to the U.S.


    Hey Bolton, about the only thing Trump has been consistent at is lying.

    That's a good find, Bongos. 

  3. On 5/5/2018 at 2:30 PM, Dr. Teeth said:
    He also said this at the same roundtable. 

    President Trump lambasted U.S. immigration policies Saturday, stating that the U.S. may have to "close up" its borders. 

    Speaking at a business roundtable in Cleveland, Trump acknowledged that officials are working to repair certain areas of the nation's border controls, but said the U.S. needs "much more money."   

    "We may have to close up our country to get this straight," he said, but did not offer more details on the logistics.

    "You can't allow people to pour into our country like they're doing," Trump went on. "If we don't have borders, you don't have a country," he said, chiding Democrats for "open border" policies.

    Trump's long-standing promises for a new wall stretching across the U.S.-Mexico border suffered a blow earlier this year when Congress allocated only $1.6 billion toward border security measures in a trillion-dollar spending bill — billions less than the White House demanded. 

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection noted a recent surge in border crossings from Mexico during March after seeing a historic low in 2017.

    Last month, the Pentagon authorized the deployment of 4,000 National Guard troops to be sent to the border in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona as part of Trump's plan to strengthen immigration enforcement along the southern border. 



  4. To me, it sounded a bit like Fox is thinking about turning on him.  This was put out there to test their viewership's responses. 

    It was like praising all the "great things, great programs" while calling out the president over his lying like he has a bad case of halitosis.   They can put up with the bad breath and keep supporting him because of his agenda.  But it would be easier if your breath didn't stink. 

  5. I just don't understand why the B12 cant be the leaders in all power 5 conferences to get the best, unbiased refs and umps they can.  That and unfair operations/recruiting are going to kill the industry.  People are just going to continues to tune out.   Better refs for on the field and better supervision of operations would go a long way in all sports.  They seem to be able to do this in the pros.   Pay these guys enough to make them want to do the job and do it right.

  6. If nothing else it points out how he spends his time.   That was 11 AM and he is reading through tweets and responding to stuff like that.  He must spend a lot of time on the shitter.

  7. 41 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They are YouTubers.   They have the market cornered on African-American women on YouTube who support Trump. The only thing they care about is views, because views equal money.  


  8. Yeah, try sending some money to someone who doesn't have a bank account.   It's murder.   Green dot sucks, but its the cheapest.  But you have to go in every time to get a new card.  Western Union is convenient, but its right at 13% or higher surcharge.   Paypal will put "suspicious" on any transaction they choose then then hold it for weeks...that's after charging you 7 bucks for the transfer.  It truly is a rigged game against the poors. 

    And more companies are going with direct deposit.  With no account, it's a hassle to get a paper check.  

    On the other hand, there is a lot of stuff going on with cash right now.  Because people who don't have bank accounts don't have cards to use at gas pumps, etc.  So in the past few years more people paying with cash.  Cash is often unreported, thus the government is losing out on the income tax end? 




    • Like 2
  9. Because we have been turned into a nation of competitors by marketing people and the main scoreboards are looks, power, possessions and wealth.   No moral scruples need apply to getting the upper hand in any or all of these areas.   That breeds a whole lot of insecurity.  With that insecurity comes the tribe mentality and the natural instinct to diminish others in order to uplift yourself, instead of genuinely improving yourself.  

    We are judged too much on what we have and what we do to others...not what we do FOR others.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    Jackson was named to succeed David Shulkin at the Department of Veterans Affairs after Shulkin was ousted last month. Shulkin faced ethical issues and tensions with political appointees within the agency and the White House. A White House official told CNN that Trump was pleased with Jackson's performance in an extended grilling by reporters in January over the President's health and cognitive fitness.
    But Jackson's selection was met with questions on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers in both parties have called into question whether Jackson has the right experience to run the federal government's second-largest bureaucracy and that little has been known, until recently, about his policy views.
    "I'm not sure anyone can run the VA," Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn told reporters Monday. "It's so big, it's one of the biggest bureaucracies in the federal government."

    This hasn't stopped them from approving most of the other appointments Trump has put before them.  How many have they rejected? 


    I'd say whatever they are hiding about his past is pretty bad.  

  11. 1 hour ago, bernorange said:

    For years now, I've been watching or reading about the nutjobs who get appointed to or run for the SBOE.  Something about controlling the curriculum of our children really attracts the radicals.

    2010:  https://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/magazine/14texbooks-t.html?em

    2010 (cache - original source no longer available):  https://muslimmatters.org/2010/05/26/washington-monthly-revisionaries-how-a-group-of-texas-conservatives-is-rewriting-your-kids’-textbooks/



    George Clayton was on the SBOE from 2010 to 2012.  Here's some background:


    So, in summary, George Clayton sounds like he sucks, but he doesn't appear to clear the bar for the the SBOE's suckitude threshold.

    then he came back and ran for the Texas house as a Democrat.  The Texas Tribune has him listed as a democrat now. 


  12. I think part of it is that the people of China have been under the thumb of one form of government or the other, that self-expression and creativity outside the norms of acceptable Chinese cultural objects and writing has been stunted.    Here's a quote from a BBC article on how China has been shaped by its past. 


    Today China's internet censors politically sensitive material, and those who utter political truths deemed problematic by the authorities may be arrested or worse.

    The difficulty of speaking truth to power has long been an issue. China's historians have often felt they had to write what the state wanted rather than what they thought was important.

    Now I know that that particular censorship is about politics, but I can see how the same attitude of self protection could stifle creativity.

    Also, it could be that over the years their different religions have kept capitalism at bay.  They have gone through stretches of Confucianism and Buddhism which neither embrace capitalism like Christianity.   Maybe there is some long developed mindset that most material possessions are passing, so the quality of these items is of little importance.   But things that can be passed down from generation to generation are in a different class of goods.  

    Interesting topic.

    • Like 1
  13. I don't dispute either of those things. Christianity is full of good and bad.  There are a lot of different ways to be a Christian.  Mother Theresa v Tammy Faye Baker.   

    Yes it is selective history.   This isn't a program that weighs the merits of Christianity over the long run.  It is a program that points out some of the negatives and tries to explain why these negatives happened and what some of the consequences were/are.    This ties into the discussion of how religion is used to manipulate politics and vice versa. 

    Had you guys seen the documentary already?

  14. CBS re-ran a documentary on this yesterday.   I figure if George Morgan can spout his stuff here, then there is room for this too.   Christianity has always been an oppressive religion and this points out a lot of the how and whys when it comes to America.  The Moral Majority is just another step.




    RACE, RELIGION & RESISTANCE, a CBS Interfaith Special, looks at the root causes of racism and the ways in which people of faith are working to redeem the soul of America. This special broadcast will air Sunday, April 1 (check local listings) on the CBS Television Network.

    Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove discusses how, since the country’s inception, Christianity has been used to justify racism and the sin of white supremacy. He is a speaker, activist and author of Reconstructing the Gospel: Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion.

    Kaitlin Curtice is a Native American Christian speaker and author of Glory Happening. Though her father was Potawatomi and her mother was a non-Native Christian, she was raised in the church but had little connection to her indigenous identity until now. As she works to decolonize her faith, Curtice hopes her own story can act as a bridge between indigenous voices from both inside and outside the church.

    Rev. Nancy Frausto is associate rector at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach, Calif. St. Luke’s is a multi-racial congregation that is providing support and sanctuary to those directly affected by the immigration policies put forward by the current administration. While Frausto serves as a pastor, she is also a DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipient, and her status is uncertain, even while she ministers to her community.

    The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor, bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, speaks of the immigration challenges facing religious institutions in the current political climate.

    John P. Blessington is senior executive producer and Liz Kineke is producer. In creating the topics and content for this series, they sought input from religious scholars, clergy and others including Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic, Sikh and various interfaith organizations.

    Following the April 1 air date, this program may be viewed again at www.cbsnews.com/religion-and-culture. “Like” us on Facebook.com/CBSReligion, and follow us on Twitter @CBSReligion.

    * * *


  15. More on Clayton, written by a guy named Steger out of Richardson:




    Monday, January 11, 2016

    George Clayton is Running for School Board

    George Clayton says he is running for RISD school board. You remember him, right? He's a one-term Republican member of the State Board of Education. He lost his re-election bid in the GOP primary. Then, as a Democrat, he lost his race for Texas State Representative to Linda Koop. Currently, he says he's the co-chair of the Trump for President Campaign for Congressional District 32. And now he says he'll be running for Richardson ISD board of trustees.

    Inconsistent? Undisciplined? Unfocused? Opportunistic? You decide. In any case, these are just some of the lurches George Clayton has made in his career in politics. Somewhere along the line he announced he was going to challenge Angie Chen Button for the Texas legislature, then discovered he didn't even live in her district. Once before he said he was running for RISD school board. Then he said he wasn't. Do a search on "George Clayton" in The Wheel for more strange behavior. Full disclosure: I didn't endorse him in his 2010 run for the SBOE (smart decision in hindsight), then endorsed him in his re-election bid, reluctantly, by a process of elimination (the SBOE is that dysfunctional), but I still found him to be...well, read the archives.

    In 2016, here's George Clayton in his incarnation as Donald Trump supporter, commenting about President Obama crying for the victims during a speech about gun violence:
    Yesterday, Barack Obama cried. He did not cry because of his emotions toward those who have been killed by murderers, but because his Executive Actions did not obliterate the second amendment. He is upset because there are limits even to this lawless unpatriotic president. Are you familiar with these words. " I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of The President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES."? How many times has this man violated his oath? How many times have the liberals come to his defense when he did violate his oath? Under, even similar but less drastic circumstances, a Republican president would have been impeached, tried, convicted and removed to lifelong exile while the main line media waved the American flag and cheered. Our nation is being undermined so completely and with such dedication, it will take a strong president and congress to restore the integrity that our nation has so longed enjoyed. The degradation of the United States is the change Mr. Obama claims that he is. In this, he is absolutely correct.
    Source: Facebook.
    Yikes! This is from a man who says he's running for school board. Is this the kind of man anyone wants running our schools, a man who mocks the president for shedding tears over murdered first graders? Really? A man so lacking in empathy shouldn't be anywhere near children, certainly not in charge of public schools.

    His attitude towards parents is similarly uncaring. In 2010, in comments on an online article in The Dallas Morning News, he said his plan to improve science and math scores started with "keep parents as far from the schools as possible...What do parents know about pedagogy, writing curriculum, organizing lessons, determining grading rubrics etc. All they know is how intelligent little Sharon or Johnny is."

    George Clayton, the serial candidate and sometime loser, is now threatening to bring this kind of thinking to the RISD.


  16. 40 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Such a fucking hypocrite. Andrew McCabe's wife ran for the Senate and received a donation from the Governor and since he's a "Clinton ally" that's an indictment on McCabe's character, intentions, whatever. She's the one employing  the double standard here.

    But she knows that. She knows it's bullshit. She's just shamelessly playing the game. We have to attack our political enemies so this is how we're going to do it. Sure, they're both Republicans, but let's see how we can connect them to Hillary or Obama because that's what works on our base. 

    They point out how the WH used Comey's family's support of HRC against him as well.

    Last Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Conway used fired FBI Director James Comey's disclosure that his wife and daughters supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election as a way to target his own political leanings.
    "His people in his household wanted the other person to win," Conway said, referring to Clinton.


  17. The past few pages have hosted a conversation on what happened in the 80s.   Part of that was the Moral Majority.   CBS did a program on that this morning, and how it affected race relations in the states. 


    It's a good watch.   It meshes nicely with the article on The Church of the Donald



    It brings up one example of how people are rising up.  https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/


    It is interesting how the vagueness of the Bible can be used to prop up arguments on each end of the spectrum.   



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