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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 9 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Socialism isn’t a move forward.  It’s just what you fuckers are in love with.

    Where the hell did you get socialism out of anything Smokey said in that comment? 

    And he is right.  There is something to the adage you can't teach an old dog new tricks.   The older people get the more entrenched in their way of thinking. 

    But the problem isn't that the olds vote.  The problem has always been that the young don't.  Until you start paying taxes and deal with the government on a regular basis, then you trust your elders to do the right thing when it comes to electing competent legislators.    How to not only energize but educate the younger ones is the trick.  

    First thing i would do is stop dumping American civics and history classes off on coaches who could not care less.

  2. 55 minutes ago, retread said:


    Even Putin is like the circus ringmaster who is tired of this clown's act.  The expression on his face is not one of admiration. 


    I have to wonder if he's beginning to reconsider his choice of puppets in all this. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    I think quite a few Republican congressman have gotten money that came from Russian sources through the NRA and other groups.  Now that someone is digging in to Russian involvement in our elections, it makes them real nervous and it explains why they are supporting a losing cause in Trump.  Many of them are taking shots at the Mueller investigation out of desperate self-preservation.

    I think this is a great point.   The key is the buffer of the NRA or other groups.  They figured it was their shield from having to be diligent in where the money came from, claiming they innocently thought it came from US sources, since it came through NRA, etc. 

    I don't know enough about campaign finance to know if that is a good enough answer though to protect them.  They probably don't either. 

    You can extend that beyond money to ill gotten information too, like Cambridge Analytic.  Damn, I'd love to see Cruz get tagged with that in the next couple of months. 

  4. Not only protecting Trump, but venerating him. 

    The people I know who are wrapped up in this are pretty intelligent.  But they have an insecurity that drives them to latch on to every conspiracy that comes along, so they can prove how smart they are by seeing beyond the curve in the road.

    They see themselves as an invisible army that can wreak havoc through the internet, flashmobs and so forth.  They are the super intelligents who will march cyber-ly and carry on the fight if the "deep state" brings down trump.   Q is like a cult and has brainwashed them.

    I don't see them being able to do much harm in the long run, but they keep threatening that "the grid" is going to be shut down.    I'll get a text every once in a while warning me such a shutdown is coming, so i can have extra supplies put aside.  

    A lot of these people tend to see themselves as Guy Fawkes.  And they are the basement geeks who can spin off some pretty good crackers.  So I could see little blips here and there but nothing all encompassing enough to really threaten too much for too long. 

    But yeah, as you know, even back on the old site, I figured Russia was behind it, another way to work a wedge into the US. 

    I'd just like something solid to tell these friends "wake up, you are wrong, quit falling for this traitorous stuff."    They'd just "but hillary" me anyway. 

  5. So if wikileaks was perpetrated by the GRU, then how does that affect Q and all that nonsense?   Wasn't a lot of that based on wikileaks?    How much credibility can be granted all that stuff now if it's proven to be Russian generated?    If they can hack stuff to reveal, can't they plant stuff as well?   Seems to really take the steam out of Q and the whole deep state argument. 

  6. 34 minutes ago, Mapache said:

    I'd bet good money on asylum possibilities and details

    Where is the win in that for Russia though?  Let's say he gets so deep in crap he runs to Putin for asylum.  What good is he to Putin after his credibility is ruined here?  Or is it possible he gets played up as some sort of disposed martyr to stir up the trumpkins left behind, thus continuing the divisive actions from within?  Or maybe somehow he could still be of service to those in need of money laundering?  Being a front for the Russian Mob? 

     Otherwise I can't see why Putin would give him any special dispensation.  If anything I could see Putin agreeing to some terms to keep trump in his pocket, but keeping his fingers crossed behind his back as he did it.

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  7. Aside from being a lady who is still motoring and functional at 92 (which in itself demands huge props) she is the literal face of the British Empire past, current and future.  You disrespect her, you disrespect the whole country.  It's the office he is disrespecting. 

    You think he could have at least binged on a little of the Crown before he went.    After everything she has gone through as Queen of England, all the great statesmen she has known, I surely hope her last official act isn't receiving the orange bozo. 

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  8. So I ask again, can the states press charges against the hackers too?  To take the federal pardon off the table.  

    I know he can't pardon russians, but I am anticipating US citizens being indicted for helping in all of this. 

    Hell, I don't know, maybe he can pardon russians.   I bet he'd at least try.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I just checked out Beto's facebook page for the first time.  He appeared to be live streaming while driving into San Antonio and chatting with the others in the car.  Only a few hundred people watching but that's a great move by someone that is personable.  I doubt the few hundred people were Cruz voters that are open to flip, but that video costs Beto nothing but strengthens his appeal to his supporters.    It also may convince a few more people to show up at his rally.  Seems like a great marketing idea.

    Frequent live stream videos are the natural progression from the Trump tweets.  Do you want to read a tweet or watch the politician hold an hourly video message to his/her supporters.  I'm actually surprised that Trump doesn't produce more videos.  

    Strengthens his appeal while keeping his base energized and engaged.  It makes them feel part of the team, not just a number.    You have to continue to dance with who brung you, or they go home.  He's pretty savvy on all this...and has brought on some really good people to help.  Beats the fuck out of hiring CA to manipulate minds surreptitiously.


  10. 27 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    Yeah, that whole golf exercise regime is working wonders...maybe instead of just 1/3 of his days as POTUS devoted to golf, he should just do nothing but.



  11. 3 minutes ago, retread said:


    Hell, that's just common sense.  You tell one lie, you have to cover it with 3 or 4 more.  It snowballs.  Something most of us learned in grade school.

  12. I think Trump wants to be king so bad he's willing to destroy America to get that.  His long game is if he destroys America, then so what?  In his mind, we as a country were too stupid to realize greatness when we saw it.  He firmly believes that everything would be better if he were dictator.  He cuddles up to the Putin and the norks because he thinks they revere and respect him.  But they don't, they are playing him and he's too stupid (did not use ignorant) to realize it. 

    Still if America falls in the world order, then it was destined to do so, due again to not seeing the greatness of Trump leadership.  He's a global guy, he will just leave the US in ashes and move on to some place that is used to being under the thumb of dictators.   Ironic thing is he won't be welcome nor revered in any of those place, because they figured him for the stooge he is right off the bat.   They won't continue to pander to his fat ass once his usefulness has passed. 

    And then you have his hangers on, his enablers in DC either elected or on his staff.  They are playing him too, family included, to increase their own fortunes. 

    And who can't see this?  Who keeps defending this pile of trash? 

  13. Are the republicans used to donating in grassroots situations, or do they do it mainly through organized fundraisers like rubber chicken dinners?  Or are they accustomed to large corporations and businesses bankrolling the campaigns for their candidates?   

    Seems to me the red party has fostered a feeling of "what is mine is mine" mentality.  You worked hard for that nest egg, we think you should arm yourself so you can defend yourself when others come to take your stuff.   I know a LOT of people of this mindset.  So the question there is how willing are they to donate, or will they not contribute, expecting corporate and special interest PACs to step up?   I mean they have built their party on being selfish.  Now they are asking for money. 

    Lastly, it seems that a lot of that base is not as prosperous as they project they are.   


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  14. 14 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    Bet you thought that was amusing before you typed it out and hit enter...

    Trump obviously thought it was clever/amusing when he tweeted it.  

    I'm not saying everything McCain did was unreproachable (hello Palin) but it is beyond stupid to assault his service in Viet Nam, flying 23 missions after he'd been burned and wounded during the Forrestal fire/explosion.   On top of that McCain's dad could have gotten him a really cush desk job, he had that pull.


    Then on the other hand you have Trump.  

    I see you trolling and I usually ignore it.  And I am not an R, so I have no love for McCain, but I have respect for him.  And so do others, Jimmy for instance.  His comment was tongue in cheek, a parody of Trump's tweet.  But then I am sure you caught that drift. 

  15. He's just as  scared of the truly grass roots movement and the votes it brings as he is the money it is raising. 


    Just the idea that Beto can raise that kind of funding with small individual donations and not from special interest is something that builds on itself.  More and more people are getting on the bandwagon and that makes old "tough as texas ted" nervous. 

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