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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I liked the stay frosty reference in the school too.  Can't find a clip of it on youtube though.

    The fact they can put together such a good show with fairly unknown actors is too often overlooked.   

  2. 7 hours ago, Zepol87 said:

    Is there a huge difference in the models? I did a little looking earlier and Instant Pot duo 60 has good reviews and is 100 bucks on Amazon. Can I get a cheaper one that will still be alright?

    I don't know for sure Zepol, but I think a big part of price is size.   I bought the segura and it works fine, but most of the recipes seem to be for the Instant Pot, which has different controls.   So you have to translate.   The segura was a little less at the time, but now it's in line with the others.


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Texas73 said:

    I'm not making fun of anyone either.

    Here is the deal: Trump got 52.2% and Clinton got 43.2%, so yes Trump won Texas by 9%. Using those numbers for O'Rourke vs Cruz, O'Rourke would need to pic up 4.6% statewide, resulting in O'Rourke: 43.2% + 4.6% = 47.8% and Cruz: 52.2% - 4.6% = 47.6%.  All this is assuming over 4% goes to others.

    When you lose by 9% you don't need to swing 10% your way to win but rather > 4.5%.

    I'm done.

    73 teaches math, remember?

  4. I made some great butter chicken with it mine the other night. 




    I doubled the recipe.  Could have tripled it and had room.

    I used thighs and cut each one into about 3 strips.  Also used salted butter and the coconut milk.   It was great and I have enough sauce left to simmer some more chicken later. 

    BUT there is no way this recipe as is serves 4.  Not decently.  Maybe 2. 

    • Like 2
  5. Yesterday I stopped at a dollar general store to grab some Motrin.  I got to the register and there were 3 black ladies and 2 kids in line ahead of me.  They got pretty testy when they thought they had been overcharged for a disposable lighter.  Eventually the female clerk (hispanic) had to leave to find someone in the management chain to negotiate a settlement.  It was done, and the charges were changed from 1.50 to 1.35.  So basically I had spent 10 minutes of my life over a 15 cent discrepancy. 

    Thing is, I was at first shaking my head, all this over 15 cents.  But on the other hand, I saw it as a principle thing on the part of the ladies.  That store had mis-priced something and they were not backing down on their mistake, or at least the original clerk felt uncomfortable with doing so. 

    I have been there before, been overcharged.   I understood.  I got treated just like her in a similar instance where i had been overcharged, or they had attempted a bait and switch on me.  And I reacted angrily too.  But for a while yesterday, while I was being inconvenienced by this lady's attempt to make sure she wasn't screwed, I forgot those times I had been where she was.  I think maybe it is because I am older, white and male and I am used to clerks being deferential to me.  I don't imagine on the whole they are as deferential to that lady.   In the end, the  lady apologized to me, as well as the two employees.  She said she had rights to be charged fairly.  I agree.

    I think it was just the way she did it that initially set me against her.  It was just not just how i would have done it.  But then she came from a different upbringing than I did.  Maybe in her case she learned early on the squeaky wheel gets the grease, not that you you get more flies with honey than vinegar. 

    We are all different in how we perceive and approach things.  We need more tolerance.  Employees out there have to take an incredible amount of rude, ignorant shit.  And I am not saying race isn't playing a part in how we treat each other.  What I am saying is we are going so fast we seldom stop to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and maybe look at things from a different standpoint.  

    • Like 8
  6. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Whatever Mueller provides to Congressional oversight will most definitely be leaked to the public immediately so I wouldn’t worry too much.

    Oh, I agree.  I was just looking for a legitimate way (not leaked) to get this out in the open.   Though I imagine it would take the leaking of at least parts of it to force the whole impeachment issue.  Otherwise, other than leaks, how can the public know the full report?   Otherwise it seems that we could be lost in a sea or cherry picking bits and pieces of it for years. 

  7. Plus there is a whole lot more than free tuition when it comes to college education.  Books, lodging, food, and transportation come to mind.  I really have no idea how big a percentage tuition plays anymore in the whole pie. 


    I like this discussion.  It is actual discussion and not working off of sound bites and tweets.  From here could come actual plans and actions, heaven forbid.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There’s nothing that requires the Mueller report be disclosed to the public, sadly.


    If Trump were to be impeached and it were to proceed to trial in the senate, would Mueller's report then be available for prosecutorial purposes?

  9. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Same.   Free university tuition is the worst idea to come out of the left in recent years.   I'm all for government-funded educational opportunities for the economically disadvantaged, but what we need to be doing is deemphasizing the need for a university education and encouraging more people to go to trade schools.   And our resources would be better used on early childhood education and child care for working poor parents, which will do a lot more good than free college.  In my opinion. 

    I agree with this sentiment.  When someone has to work for something, to sacrifice for something then they tend to respect it more.  And everyone is different, so we can't just send them all through the same program.

    Somebody also said in the Bernie thread that joining the military could be a lateral choice to higher education.  I don't have an issue with that, but I would like to see equal emphasis put into programs like the Peace Corps, or even something like the old WPA.  We put so much money into defense, it just seems like in today's climate of America's international reputation being destroyed, programs set upon making the world a better place for everyone would be a much needed boost to our reputation.

    It's the whole Might over Right concept for Trump and his followers.  Trump has always played the bully and bluff card.  He just is incapable of seeing how his world could be improved by improving the lot of others, so therefore we can't even have conversations on any level that would address the issues. 

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Texas73 said:

    Lifelong Democrat here starting with working in the McGovern campaign while at UT. As for as "78% support free public university tuition", what is the price of free tuition to every public university in the United States? Seems it would be astronomical, impossible to fund.

    I can see free public junior college tuition but all public university tuition seems impossible to me.

    I think there needs to be a system in place that recognizes and rewards efforts (grades, attendance, public service) to gain entry into higher education.  I don't think it was ever "whoever wants to go to college can" argument.    I think that kind of program would just foster more Trump University scams.


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  11. 10 hours ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Dickhead dolan doesn't need to be smart enough to know the intimate details of how the collision happened; the mere fact that it is infinitesimally unlikely that he had no knowledge of any such coordination. What is more likely is that he was being fed information without details specifically for plausible deniability, but that doesn't negate the fact that he was part of a conspiracy to subvert the will of the people and the government of the United States in coordinating and colluding with the Russian government.

    This.  I can easily imagine him not only accepting the russian help, but requesting it.  After that he kept his distance, and let his minions do the actual footwork. 

    The next question though is was he coached?  Or was it coincidence that his style of politicking was so very close to Putin's that he didn't need much prompting. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    1. Make a stupid post that makes you seem like an idiot.
    2. Get called out on it.
    3. Say "I did that because the other side does it."
    4. Fail to realize that Step #3 does not make you seem like less of an idiot even if it were true, which everyone can tell it's not.

    Sorry, no profit step.

    It's what is accepted as the norm now.  The CYA move with weak sauce humor. 

    The profit step would have been to recognize he had assumed something that wasn't there and apologized.  No harm, no foul, carry on. 

    But this has become the normative way of discussion/debate for many on both sides.  That really is sad. 

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