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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 19 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    So he has an entire agency devoted to classifying/regulating firearms.

    And instead he runs to a private lobbyist group whose contributing companies don’t want individuals making their own firearms. 

    As a gun owner and eventual 3D-printer owner, I know he’s gonna fuck this up.

    But it’s gonna make the gun-owning Trumpkins squirm.

    The ATF didn't make any contributions to his campaign or inauguration, therefore what good are they? 

    You'd think with all the talk about NRA/Russia collaboration he would let this rest a while.  But no, more shiny objects.

    Trump loves to kick the sleeping dog. 


  2. Hackers break into voting machines within 2 hours at Defcon


    Hackers from around the world had the rare opportunity to crack election-style voting machines this weekend in Las Vegas -- and they didn't disappoint.

    After nearly an hour and a half, Carsten Schürmann, an associate professor with IT-University of Copenhagen, successfully cracked into a voting machine at Las Vegas' Defcon convention on Friday night, CNET reports.

    Schürmann penetrated Advanced Voting Solutions' 2000 WinVote machine through its Wi-Fi system. Using a Windows XP exploit from 2003, he was able to remotely access the machine, CNET reports.

    Voting technology was thrust into the political spotlight when election systems in several states were targeted by Russian cyber attacks. The convention purchased more than 30 voting machines for the event, although, organizers didn't specify how many models those units represented.

    "The exposure of those devices to the people who do bug bounties or actually look at these kind of devices has been fairly limited," Brian Knopf, director of security researcher for Neustar, told CNET. "And so Defcon is a great opportunity for those of us who hack hardware and firmware to look to these kind of devices and really answer that question, 'Are they hackable?'"


    A hacker tries to access and alter data from an electronic poll book in a Voting Machine Hacking Village during the Defcon hacker convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. on July 29, 2017.


    Synack, a San Francisco security platform, discovered serious flaws with the WinVote machine months ahead of this weekend's convention. The team simply plugged in a mouse and keyboard and bypassed the voting software by clicking "control-alt-delete."

    "It's really just a matter of plugging your USB drive in for five seconds and the thing's completely compromised at that point," Synack co-founder Jay Kaplan told CNET. "To the point where you can get remote access. It's very simple."

    The Synack team also cracked the machine from a mobile application by installing a remote desktop program to it. In one case study, Synack found a Virginia poll worker hacked the machine to play Minesweeper.

    A hacker, who only identified himself as "Oyster," tried to crack a Diebold voting machine after another team had compromised it.

    "I hope that we find a load of vulnerabilities in these just so we can open it up to the public to see how serious the problem is," he told CNET.

    Hackers at the convention hope their finding will lead to lasting changes in voting machine technology.

    Anne-Marie Hwang, a Synack intern, told CNET that changing votes can be as simple as updating a Microsoft Excel document.

    "Hacking it is good because it's able to inform politicians and people in Congress about what they should do with voting machines," Hwang said. "If no one ever hacked them, we might be still using things like this."


  3. 2 hours ago, Leanderman said:

    True teachers of what game? At FSU he played "Will the defendant please rise", with his players.

    If we thought that game was strong in florida, wait a few years for what's about to transpire on around the tackle box.  I predict that blank championship trophy will be for the Fulmer Cup, annually. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    The article he was bullied to take down was a report on a second Playboy Model that Dotard was banging and AMI paid out to cover up.

    He should call Avenati.  This thing is about to go class action, apparently.  \


  5. 29 minutes ago, M12BH said:

    So hi.  Some of y'all may remember me as Macallan12's Better Half from Shaggy and the Other-Site-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named.  I'm really sickened by all this shit and I"m volunteering for the Beto campaign.  My husband (Yes, that would be Macallan 12) and I are hosting Phone Banking for Beto most Tuesday and Thursday evenings at our home in August.  If any of y'all want to participate, please message me and I'll give you the information.  We live near 360/2222 in Austin, and I know some of y'all <cough Brisket, JimmyJazz/cough> are practically neighbors so please join us if you can.  We will feed you and, um, "drink" you.  So yeah.  DO it.  

    And if you don't live in Austin and want to help or attend an event, check out this interactive map for events coming up near you.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    I favor a Shame Train where Trump rides on an exposed, open air railcar around the US, but then again I'm a romantic.  Run him out of town on a rail.  When we're finished, the tour of Mexico's railways is next.  That's the kind of reality show i can get behind. 

    Manafort gets a front row seat.  He's a big train aficionado.

    That would be so fucking allsome!  Let's do the whole family and cabinet.  Like a freak show of circus train, each has a theme based car.   Egg and produce prices would soar!

  7. Damn this is moving fast.  So in his tweet this morning, he said he didn't know about the meeting Don, Jr. had.  I assume he means the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.   (Now he doesn't explicitly say which meeting so that leaves him an out).

    So he admits Jr had a meeting which Jr swore under oath he didn't? 

  8. I just think Trump is dying for respect and recognition.  He wants everyone to think he is this super intelligent person who belongs in the upper class.  That is why he doesn't care about what is written about him as long as he is described as a billionaire.   So he does all this stuff to look wiser and more popular than he is, which he figures will force others to accept him, even if they don't respect him.  Instead of a cheerleader, he paid Cohen, Manafort and others to help him pull off the charade.  His facade is about to get blown away by those very people.  And his family is circling the drain with him. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If the latest Cohen news is true, he’s claiming other non-trump family members were in the room when trump spoke about the then-upcoming Russian meeting.  Will all them claim Cohen is lying or they’ve forgotten?  Manafort has to be one of them. 

    It does seem a strong likelihood that the main trump family crime will be lying to the investigators about incidents that are either embarrassing or only a political liability.   Buts that standard trump.   Lie about things that are best explained away.


    I disagree Eddie, I think there is a lot more like treason, theft of services, money laundering, fraud, mail fraud, tax evasion, obstruction and blackmail.  But I do think the lying will be the smoking gun that fuels and justifies ongoing and yet to be announced investigations.  And once people start turning on them, then everyone will, including his base.

    If anyone remembers the movie "Can't Buy Me Love" with Patrick Dempsey.  Dempsey paid the head cheerleader to pretend to date him, so he could be accepted as the cool kid.  He got a huge head, she outed him, he went to pariah in a flash.   Same thing here, bigger scale.  Dempsey came by his money to buy fame and popularity legally.  I would guess at the beginning Trump did too.  He inherited and borrowed.  But after those sources ran out he turned to crime to keep his charade up. 

    We are at that point where he is about to be outed.  How well that is done depends on Mueller, and how well he does it determines how quickly Trump and his base crumble.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  10. I hadn't seen this.  It is a great interview.  It was recorded in March, I think, and now 4 months later he is still on point.  He is not waffling, he isn't saying things because he thinks it's what polls say he should say.  He's got a sincere platform for helping Texas and the nation improve and he's sticking to it.  He's not changing his tune every time some new political "squirrel" pops up. 

    Maher gives Beto the opening to get negative about Cruz, but Beto keeps on the positive.   Like someone said earlier, positive is as refreshing as mudslinging is old.  Beto has the personality, sense of humor and focusness (tip of the hat to BillinSinton) to pull this off. 

    • Like 7
  11. 4 hours ago, horncyclist said:

    Someone with some Beto campaign connections needs to relay these responses to the Friday night proposal. They'll probably come to it on their own but it's a perfect way to show how out of touch Cruz is.

    I have the email address for the organizing branch and have sent things before, that actually garnered responses.   I explained the board and cut and paste some of you guys' suggestions.  We shall see. 

    • Like 1
  12. SIAP

    More off season bullshit.  I didn't figure it warranted it's own thread.

    Popular Mechanics magazine ranked the 25 best college stadiums.   Baylor and the tacklebox made it.  DKR-Memorial didn't even make the cut.  



    The recent effort to overhaul Kyle Field added about 10,000 seats, putting the Aggies' home in the elite club of stadiums than can hold more than 100,000 fans. The process unified the stadium architecturally and created symmetry in the bowl. The remodel redid the concourses, added a new Hall of Fame, premiums areas, one of the largest video boards in college football, and seats closer to the field.


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