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Ogie Ogilthorpe

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ogie Ogilthorpe

  1. Seeing them Aug 6th in Boca with Pepper, both great shows Rebelution this weekend -Boca Stick Figure June 25th - Also Boca Iration July 23rd - St Pete And Heading to Mexico again in December for the Closer to the Sun Festival:
  2. Weird Science: "You don't come into my friend's house with your faggot friends" http://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/31d7aa07-b9fa-427a-9f41-7cfa2b6b4d93#OnYLQB2m.copy
  3. Don't forget Smooth Walker from Dr Detroit and Rip Tide from Gotta Dance
  4. The puppies are getting big, how big do you expect them to get? My family's biggest got to be about 55-60 lbs. Monroe is about 45, I have seen Oorang Airedales close to 100 lbs
  5. The company I work for does this and has had great success. https://www.arthrexvetsystemsblog.com/ Specific story of a 10 year old Springer Spaniel https://www.arthrexvetsystemsblog.com/2021/09/07/arthrex-vet-systems-innovation-helps-english-springer-spaniel-find-playful-stride-again/ Definitely tougher with older dogs.
  6. So I am making the trek to Austin for Christmas to visit family and bringing Monroe. Are there any good dog friendly bars/restaurants you can recommend? We have a great Dog Bar in out area that Monroe loves going to but I have read mixed things about Yard Bar, but want to hear thoughts of the Surly dog family. Thanks
  7. I may have you beat there as you forgot Spirt of the West, Lowest of the Low, Our Lady Peace, I Mother Earth, The Watchmen, The Headstones, Moxy Fruvous, The Pursuit of Happiness, etc. Some decent bands, some succeeded only because Canadian Content rules for radio stations.
  8. Answer to your question also a OHW
  9. While technically a OHW, Red Rider changed their name to Tom Cochrane and Red Rider and then Tom released another OHW (he had some smaller song that were only successful in Canada)
  10. I have done it many times, I get it injected under my knee cap since I have little to no cartilage left. I was doing synvisc (hyaluronic acid) first but then started working for a medical company that has a proprietary PRP system that I can get for free so I switched. I find it works just as well as synvisc and it is using my own cells so it has to be better than injecting something foreign into my knees.
  11. This times eleventy billion. We have been much better training Monroe and it has paid off. she is much better behaved than Gretzky and Maggie were. Gretzky could be a handful at times. We still do basic obedience training with Monroe to keep her in line. She is also crate trained and loves her crate, she will go in there on her own to just relax.
  12. Apart from all the woke/racist comment, has anyone ever been as clueless as Brent? He strikes me as someone who always thinks they are the smartest in the room despite being one of the dumbest.
  13. Make sure his buddy has a clean compressor, at pressure any ill effects from impurities in the air can be magnified. My first computer was a simple non air integrated console, I still have it but never use it. I now dive with an Oceanic OCi. wireless air integrated watch. Great computer and easy to use. I also dive with a small SPG incase the computer fails, that way I can still keep an eye on my air. Nothing sucks more than having to end a dive because your computer floods. Having your own reg is the way to go, it is your life line and you never know how well the dive operation maintains their equipment.
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