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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sabalo

  1. Is there some way to set the contrast in Dark Theme that would make the hidden contents on post 21208 in Texas Recruiting Notes 2020 legible?
  2. Really like the dark theme. Thanks!
  3. She does not strike me as the type that would make a little dog break a big chain.
  4. You can't drink all day if you don't start first thing in the morning.
  5. Boom!! Hook'em Quaydarius!!
  6. What happened to all the replies on this thread? Hook'em and Welcome JQJ!!!!
  7. Boom!!! Welcome and Hook'em JQJ!!!
  8. How much playing time was he going to get next year if he received his waiver?
  9. Add Oregon and you pretty much have it covered.
  10. I don't know if it is being used to negatively recruit, but I do kow that some former aggy players were absolutely giddy because they thought that Herman was going to be canned after the Maryland game last year.
  11. I've been oblivious to right from wrong since she climbed into the hot tub in Season 1.
  12. I hope we have reached peak off-season.
  13. Or two baskets. Or was it two eggs in one basket.
  14. About Tree Fiddy will take care of those ads.
  15. I'm sure Alabama will be dog shit afterTua and easy pickings for Jimbo.
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