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TexEx15 last won the day on October 8 2022

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About TexEx15

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  1. It was given the amount of attention commensurate with the GOP’s concern with school massacres.
  2. Just ask him straight up. Does he prefer his granddaughters grow up under another Trump administration or take a chance on the first Woman President, which if your daughters are anything like mine, is something they are extremely excited for.
  3. What values exactly does Trump have? What values has the maga movement brought back? If you are truly fiercely pro choice, then the choice, no pun intended, could not be more clear. The GOP is trying to strip women of the autonomy of their own body. I have 3 young daughters and am appalled that old white men think they know better about what they should be allowed to do with their bodies. Look at Texas. If a woman is raped she will be forced to carry that baby to term. Fuck all the people that allowed that to happen, which spoiler alert, starts with Trump and his SCOTUS. Look, I get you may not like the policies of the dems. No party is batting 1.000 on policy decisions. But the two issues you specifically pointed out, values and a woman’s right to choose, are the bedrock of the current Democratic Party and absolutely absent from the Republicans.
  4. This election should not be close and it would not be if not for the EC, which literally brings out the worst in us. Instead of trying to unite the country, political calculations rely on keeping your base and threading the needle of swing state voters, many of which respond to the fear tactics and hateful rhetoric and chaos pushed by the right at the rest of our expense. Imagine how different campaigns would be if the president was elected by popular vote.
  5. Does Walz help win the election from an EC perspective. Sounds like he solidifies MN but what does he do for PA, WI, MI, AZ, NC or GA? Curious on what the thinking is there.
  6. Because I believe character still matters. There has to be a minimum threshold for decency, honesty, competency etc to hold the office of President. One side has it and one does not. I could write pages on this subject but if you don’t have the bare minimum I described above, none of the rest matters.
  7. It won’t happen but imagine a scenario where Texas is called for Harris shortly after polls close followed by the election as a whole.
  8. Let’s hope not. He’s one of the Dem’s best weapons. In all seriousness, who would they replace him with? What talent does the GQP have ready to go from a swing state?
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