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O.J. Simpson has entered the portal EDIT: can be deleted as the Glove thread was updated


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  • PittsburghTiger changed the title to O.J. Simpson has entered the portal EDIT: can be deleted as the Glove thread was updated

"I freely admit to feeling cheated that OJ Simpson didn't get life for his crimes. That he probably will never be brought to his arthritic knees. I assuage my anger by reassuring myself that he will never again elicit the respect and admiration of reasonable people. That he'll always be whispered about like some latter-day Hester Prynne wearing an "M" instead of an "A". And that he will always be surrounded by back-slappers, sycophants, ass-kissing golfing buddies, and coke whores who are looking to thrill-fuck a murderer. Hey, you know what folks? I think he DID get life. Yeah he did. You're our "bitch" now OJ."
- Dennis Miller, May 11 1996

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