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  1. i know this is going to devolve at some point into two sides sniping at each other. I have loved Star Wars since I was 3 and watching ANH for the first time. and I understand not all things are great in the Star Wars universe.... but holy shit this show has been ass. the force push scene was bad acting. Actress playing Mom Horney sucks delivering all her lines, The 1,2,many song scene was fucking terrible. the young twins acting was shit. and as others have pointed out... how the fuck does stone tile and doors made of metal suddenly erupt into flame, and then spread? This is BAD. when I was 3, at that movie theater, I didnt know it at the time, but my brain was contractually obligated to watch all things star wars until the end of time.... so I will watch the show, but I am going to have to be a drunk as fuck to choke down the new eps.
  2. is he talking about your wife driving the 36 hours or was that your grandmother that did the 36 hour drive?
  3. sheeeit if it was an American led air assault every fucking command and control station from the Finnish border to the Georgian border would have been wiped out simultaneously. tomahawks from our subs in the Baltic, Mediterranean and maybe even from the Artic if they are clear of ice would launch. and the Turkish air bases would have most likely had planes loaded and launched as well. The one thing our military did ad nasuem due to the "defend a 2-front war policy" was the philosophy of: Why buy one when you can get two at twice the price?" we have more than double the amount of conventional missiles needed to basically wipe out every Russian base on the European continent, and the rest could take out the Asian continent ones as well.
  4. oooo who could forget the greatest commercial ever watched by big 12 teams.... and by watched i mean shown 40 times during each Texas game, sometimes 50 times....
  5. honestly that sounds like a bullshit timeframe set up by a Chief Engineer named Scotty, so that he could tell his Captain that the ship was repaired 6 hours earlier than he said. 3.5 years is bullshit. hell they rebuilt the I35 Minneapolis bridge in a year and that was a complete tear down, start from scratch rebuild. Im not saying the bridge can be built in a year. but 2 seems doable. The bridge design wasnt that fucked up, honestly, if it only had deflector piers on both sides of the main legs, those would have kept the ship from hitting the pier at full force, and maybe even redirected the ship away entirely (with a big hole in it) Other than the pier that was hit by the ship, the other piers should still be structurally sound. All they might need to do is sink some caissons around those piers to pump out the water, dig deep alongside the existing pier, and then expand the bulk weight of the pier with eleventy billion tons of conrete around them, and set up deflector piers on both sides to keep the accident from happening again. The bridge was decently designed. use the blueprint already set out to rebuild the bridge. add in more safety features... maybe see if its possible to raise to roadway another 50 feet or so to allow the biggest ships into the harbor and run with that on a 24/7 build schedule
  6. as long as you had cable you had Cinemax. I mean it might not have come in super clear, but you saw it.... in my case from 12-14 we somehow got the sound as well......
  7. that patriot shootdown had to be at least 200km away.
  8. this could be a serious issue shortly. Ukraine is going to most likely lose French support. Macron's party got trounced in a prelim election today, forcing him to dissolve parliment and set a snap vote in 3 weeks to refill everything. it looks like he and his party will be landslide outvotted in 3 weeks. with the far right candidate being the new leader of France
  9. Its because as a whole, they have a losing war persona. Napoleon started out great, ended in military failure. They got DOG-stomped in the 1870 Prussian war- lasted 6 months and Paris was captured. in WW1 they fought valiantly.... but until the last days of the war, every battle of the entire Western Front was fought on either French or Belgian soil. And the largest portion of it is the complete shock experienced by all British and even American high-level officers at how soon France's 1940 defenses fell apart. Keep in mind, in May 1940, France was, by a huge margin, the WORLDS LARGEST TRAINED ARMY and more than double the tanks that Germany did. yet they got wiped out. rolled up, and surrendered in ~45 days from the start of the offensive. Then AFTER they surrendered, they turned their WW1 hero into a German toady traitor. France could have absolutely kept fighting after the loss of Paris, but they lost their appetite to fight and chickened out once they lost their capitol. and the French Resistance wasnt a thing from 1940 to at least 1942, and even into 1943. The French ACCEPTED their defeat. It wasnt until 2-3 years of them being shown as 2nd class citizens to the Germans and Germany treating them all with contempt (and brutual reprisals for even the smallest form of passive resistance), that the resistance started. And even then the Gestapo did a pretty solid job of curtailing resistance activities until 1944. and finally when you visit Paris, (PARIS- not Normandy). go ahead and find me the memorials to the Americans, I honestly couldnt find many and the ones that are there are small memorials here and there about the city. Most of the commemorative plaques are about the French Resistance killed during the battle for Paris. you have to get out of Paris and especially into West, SW. and Southern France before the people all GENUINELY like Americans. None of that area ever forgot about us. Thats important to remember
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