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Burnt Ends
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SydneyCarton last won the day on November 30 2023

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  1. Still waiting on my bid. It depends on the labor really. Is your natural gas line entering your home by your breaker box, or is it far AF away like mine? Im getting a 14kw generator and expect it to be about 15. The generator costs 6k after taxes. A generator for your home is probably 8-9, since you’d need a 26kw or so.
  2. Credit has also gone way up. Everyone profiles credit differently. But as I mentioned in another thread, in another topic, companies in general are only interested in dealing with the least risk. Not saying you aren’t, but the whole industry has gone bonkers in Texas.
  3. It’s like turning down free advertising. You have to be present to have a chance to win.
  4. Why would REPs do that? It's free advertising and free traffic. It's free orders. Yes, there's about 10-12 companies that comprise all of the actual brands operating in Texas. I'm probably on the low side, but for residential, you get the point.
  5. I dont anticipate this will last long, the cheaper Nights thing. The rise in popularity of electric vehicles and the lack of solar generation on the grid at night, well, companies are getting wise and this isn't the profit maker it once was for them, so...
  6. Energy Ogre only has a few guys that will still work with them, thanks to market consolidation of REPs. Most big REPs view Energy Ogre as extorters, and they aren't interested in doing business with them. As a result, Energy Ogre deals are less great compared to what they used to be, and you're switched less. It used to be every 3-6 months. Now it's 6-12. It is what it us becuase... rates are never going back down, imo. Not after the changes made to demand pricing the last major go round. Natural Gas is as cheap as it's been in a decade. Natural Gas used to be the bellweather or electricity pricing. And yet here we are. Things have changed, don't expect them to change back.
  7. I refuse to accept a lot of things that reality keeps slapping me accross the face with, on a pretty much daily basis at this point in my life. Here's another one for the pile.
  8. While I understand and agree with much of your sentiment, but the Texan you're so proud of being, with the values, the morality, the kindness, the work ethic...that Texas died. We was a carpetbagger. Now he's just the same as everone else. If Texans weren't a dying breed, and they weren't being drown out by people moving here as well as changing their values, our state wouldn't look this way now. Tim Dunn is a Texans, that's for sure.
  9. Isn't Christianity supposed to be color blind? Why would christians be concerned about one race specifically. It's almost like they're not being earnest about their intentions. He lives here, he was elected by the people who live here, and he passes legislation for the people who live here. He's more Texan than you or I at this point, and he's lock step with the values this state seems to Champion. You want to amend the statement to say Texas isn't what it used to be sure, and I'll heartily agree with you. But he's a Texan.
  10. My generator can’t get installed fast enough between Hurricane season and August. I can’t wait to never have to worry about this shit again.
  11. I'm sure with less structure even more kids are getting molested.
  12. I think we see aspects of this in all layers of society in regards to business; all the protections are gone. In so many industries, form cars to any service, companies aren't interested in servicing poor or lower middle class. THey only want the rich. They aren't interested in volume, or risk, they're just going to charge 3x and only service those who they know have the credit and income to pay for those services. How many automobiles are manufactred for poor or lower middle class people these days? There used to be an industry for that. Now that line of business is mostly just other people's used cars. What you just described, and C-man gave evidence of himself, is the same thing. We don't want to insure everyone. We only want to insure the people who are rich and we can gouge if they ever file a claim. At some point it's going to have to not be legally required for someone to have homeowners insurance if they want to own a home...or the homes will just keep being sold to large corporations who actually have leverage.
  13. Conversely, my used 2018 suv that I got in 2020 with top of the line trim was 32k all in. I think my level of suv retails at 70k new.
  14. I mean, I'm listed as quoted here but that is not a post I made.
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