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  1. This is good for all of us. Except maybe old what’s her name.
  2. I stopped applying after 10 years. Just assumed they saw my Hispanic sounding name and laughed their asses off and mocked my application.
  3. So much “meh” in the rumored target list. If you’re a starter on the US team and you see Viera as your manager, you’re probably thinking “I’m already a better player than you were, and my dad is probably a better soccer coach”. Neither of those thoughts would actually be true, but not sure he does enough to get young kid’s respect and attention from the beginning.
  4. I’m not saying I agree with the take. But Landon had the Kobe gene of competitiveness, but not quite the talent. I love those types of people and I love Lando. Not sure it’s the right guy though.
  5. I get that Klopp wants a nice vacation. But after a few months even places like Marbella and St Tropez get old. Doing nothing can get really boring. The US job may not be Italy or Brazil, but it’s pretty cush job compared to those and with really high upside. Just sit there at your villa and watch tape of the players, schedule calls and short trips to have dinner with the euro players. Hold practice sessions at your villa. Fly to Miami or New York or Dallas or LA or wherever for a few friendlies and camps. Get out of the group in the WC. Be a hero. You don’t even have to go play at Granada or Honduras to qualify. Surprised he shot it down so fast.
  6. Spot on. I think I mentioned this before but I had a long conversation (and many bottles of wine) with Claudio Reyna and his mouthy wife at a Christmas party in 2022. They actually weren’t invited back this year because she was so cloak room mouthy… and they moved out of Austin. Anyway, he made this same point in relation to his son. Saying essentially that Gregg runs a system and some of the best players in the pool don’t fit his ideal system players. We both agreed it was stupid. That was also the night they told me that he was a woman beater and that some news would come out and take him down. It came out, but of course he cockroached his way through it. I have Claudio’s # but never texted him. Not going to start now. Also- I was thinking about US teams in the past and how you felt about them from a skill level, system and as a cohesive team. This current teams seems the most talented, but I don’t trust anything about them. I remember 2010, driving from Johannesburg to Rustenburg for the US-England game. I told my friends on that drive that I thought we’d beat England. They then listed off all the players England had. But I was like, “we have some guys that just play like guys and the play for each other. England doesn’t”. We didn’t win that game. But we won the group with the goal against Algeria being one of the monumental moments in American soccer. That was a far less talented but super cohesive team. Gregg’s teams just feel gross.
  7. “Long term vision”
  8. I’ve always appreciated Jesse Marsch’s style of attack and I think it actually could have worked in the premier league but Leeds was never going to give him the talent to execute it reliably. Ultimately, I think at this stage we need some big name that the players will automatically trust. I mean, Klopp is perfect. A tactician that can evaluate the player pool and put people in the right positions, a guy that comes with credibility amongst the players and fans, personality to handle much more pressure than the USMNT would present. Come on you fucks in the league office. Make a move. Do your jobs.
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