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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Gil Bang last won the day on March 22 2019

Gil Bang had the most liked content!


21593 Surly 1%

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  1. Reports say Bababooey is the one that made this happen. He's been working the campaign for many months. if so, good for Gary. He's a good guy
  2. holy shit...watching Bill Barr on Kaitlin Collins tonight was like watching snuff porn. She's really solid.
  3. Plus the fact that Stern and dotard were quite friendly. Stern has dined at Mar-a-Lago, Trump was at Stern's wedding, etc. When Stern calls Trump a dick, it carries more weight because they used to be "friends". I firmly believe that if Hillary had done Stern's show before the election instead of after, she'd have won.
  4. Yes. I maintain the belief that buying a "better" guitar will make me a better guitarist. I suck, so it must be my gear, right?
  5. I'm so fucking bummed out. The Oceanside pier, this afternoon.
  6. did you badger the witness? After they rule, Biden should have them all killed.
  7. in my old construction lending days, if some asshole had either on his business card, I looked very hard for a reason to not make the loan. In the construction world, those symbols scream "prepare your anus".
  8. Kaitlan Collins is really growing on me.
  9. Buena Park is a shithole, but great for picking up cheap whores along Beach Blvd. Expect burning during urination 48 hrs. later. HB is the Florida of California.
  10. The USPS is fantastic. It's one of the greatest things ever. Fight me.
  11. there ain't nuthin' wrong with the freshwater condenser...I wuz just ovah there
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