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  1. This was so dumb and fun. They don't stick the landing 100%, but my 12-yo (who loves YouTubers, of course) and I were picking up what they were putting down. It's like Blair Witch for this generation, with more comedy.
  2. He's in it for all of 15 minutes and steals the show. As is typical for Jesse Plemons.
  3. Sky is yellow in Milwood and getting boomy. Just doped up the dogs.
  4. S1 or S2? I thought S1 was great but this article does make some good points: "Them" is Pure Degradation Porn I'm halfway through S2 and liking it a lot.
  5. Just got back from the theater and wow. My son and I both thought it was amazing, but I don't think the trailer gives you a good idea of the movie itself, which is much more bleak. My degree is in journalism and this movie had me thinking about the photo from the Sudan in 1993 of the child and the vulture. The photographer, Kevin Carter, won the Pulitzer for it and took his own life a few months later. It re-ignited the whole debate about objectivity in journalism and what the role of journalists is in volatile situations. Are they just there to document and record, or do they step in and try to help? My stance has always been that we are humans first and that journalism, as necessary as it is to a free state, is a job and comes second to helping people. I will grant that that is an idealistic position and I've never been a war reporter. I'll spoiler the next part. War renders all of this irrelevant. We all return to our base elements when we're knocked down several rungs in Maslow's hierarchy. Kirsten Dunst is fantastic at portraying someone who was raised in a world vastly different than the one she ends up living in. I hope she gets some recognition come awards season.
  6. I posted about it in the "last movie you saw" thread, but my son and I watched this last weekend and we loved it. Not super historically accurate but very fun. The violence was pretty comical - reminded us of Bullet Train.
  7. Ha, I had the exact same thought about it re the comparison to Ready or Not. We definitely still enjoyed it, though.
  8. Oh yeah, this one's amazing. I think it's the longest break I've ever seen. Poor Heidi Gardner kept apologizing the next day but it's so damn funny.
  9. My favorites are ones where they break. I have these two bookmarked for when I need a pick-me-up.
  10. This is how I felt, too. It's not bad but Conan Without Borders seems a lot more genuine. The Haiti episode is awesome and reminds me of the No Reservations Beirut episode.
  11. Some of it's gross and some of it's gorgeous. Ooty is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. The city roads can be terrifying - somewhere I have a video from when my coworker and I took an auto-rickshaw through the streets of Bangalore and ever time I watch it I just hear circus music playing in my head. And re: the weather, Bangalore's weather in the summer is shockingly wonderful. I was there for two weeks in July and the highest it got was 80 F. That said, I haven't been to Delhi but I have an American friend who lived there for a long time with her Indian husband and yeah, it doesn't sound like somewhere I'd want to live, between the weather and now dumpster fires.
  12. I think Cruel Summer has my favorite bridge of any of her songs, and that's saying something because I love her. "He looks up grinning like the devil"
  13. Jinkxs Monsoon from Drag Race does an amazing Little Edie impression.
  14. This is one where the emotional impact is better if you don't know much about everyone involved going into it.
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