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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Lucchese Old Friend
  2. ..replete with casting couch, pos rep
  3. I loudly eff up enough to authenticate mine aren't fake...club weirdo
  4. Damn Quails Bryon White small venue last evening...had no idea he was that good of a player. Awesome singer/front man...a seamless 2 hour show. The Montego Black telecaster's tone and crunch had my full attention. Just great musicianship at all 4 spots. Unbelievable keyboardist, flawless bass & percussion. Gabe Marshall was not with them & no fiddle or steel. Would love to see em full roster but last night it didn't matter...catch em when you can. Best 16 buck ticket that I can recall.
  5. Couple of USA E4's...great guitars
  6. Switched the red GMC emblem to a black illuminated ....
  7. Do it G650, you can buy it back in a week...
  8. Brought this 290 SC back home from the little shop where I'd had it consigned...
  9. Spruce/Rosewood 914CE...almost sold it recently but wasn't unhappy when the buyer backed out.
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