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Texas Wahoo

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Everything posted by Texas Wahoo

  1. The people in the we search? I'm looking to hear what the people in the big boy search are doing.
  2. We should definitely hurry up and fire Herman so this can be us.
  3. Drinking or not, this doesn’t exactly scream special head coach to me:
  4. Mullen going to be done soon as well?
  5. I will watch and route for the ‘Horns. I could get into seeing them play Miami or Colorado. I don’t think anything is happening with the coaching staff until after Bowl season anyway.
  6. Eh. The Big Ten and SEC were playing meaningless games on CC Saturday too.
  7. People keep saying this, but there isn’t a lot of evidence of it other than that r haven’t been very good. We hired one of the hottest coaches and paid him a shitload of money. We fired a lot of assistant coaches to hire guys that cost a lot. We fired the last coach after 3 (admittedly terrible) seasons. Maybe we’re more USC/Michigan than tOSU, but there isn’t a lot of evidence that we’re Cal.
  8. Urbana-Champagne is getting borderline erotic.
  9. Mendel is projecting Iowa State to lose, but stay ahead of Indiana for a spot in the Fiesta Bowl.
  10. Texas vs USC Alamo Bowl. Winner/loser gets Urban Meyer? https://theathletic.com/2262186/2020/12/18/college-football-bowl-projections-2/
  11. If he's dead, do we still want him?
  12. Not surprising that we would not be able to hold onto both QB recruits from 2020. Hopefully we are keeping the right one.
  13. It already belongs to the state, albeit a different part. If this is how it worked, UT could just eminent domain it right back.
  14. Most of that parkling lot space was taken up by the new tennis center and the parking garage.
  15. Northwestern also has a campus in downtown Washington. I haven't seen their practice facility on the Potomac yet though.
  16. I can't take the credit - Anwar edited it out himself.
  17. Major Applewhite is no longer available...
  18. Mullen is apparently teaching some interesting football techniques.
  19. I went to Gainesville for a friend's graduation a couple of years ago and was surprised that the stadium was just open and we could walk out onto the field. I do not remember that being the case at Texas.
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