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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. https://texassports.com/news/2020/10/14/forty-acres-insider-oct-14.aspx Greetings Longhorn Nation, I do want to start today's Forty Acres Insider by apologizing to y'all for my delay in getting back to your many tweets, phone calls and emails in a timely fashion, as my wife has been battling severe vertigo and migraines for the past six weeks, and on Tuesday, we finally got in to see a neurologist followed by an MRI and scans. She's doing okay and we're awaiting those results, but I've obviously had a significant amount of my attention on her and this situation. I'll keep you posted on my bride … fingers crossed! Many of your questions have been about our student-athletes and the confusion about why they have not remained on the field for "The Eyes of Texas" after the games. I, like so many of you, view the song with pride and sing loudly and proudly in honor of the efforts of those who represent and support this phenomenal institution. As much as our student-athletes love this University, they have questions about the history of "The Eyes" and concerns about it. As you are aware, this past summer, during the height of civil unrest in our country, some of them brought to our attention their concerns over a number of issues on campus, including the origin of the song. President Hartzell was absolutely clear that "The Eyes" is and will remain our school song, but in an effort to further understand its origins, full history, and how it's evolved over time, he established a committee to study, contextualize, and reclaim the song's origin. We believe it is important to understand the history as we continue to perform it. With that said, I do want to clarify that I have had many conversations with our head coaches outlining my expectations that our teams show appreciation for our University, fans, and supporters by standing together as a unified group for "The Eyes," while we work through this issue. However, like all families who see the world through different lenses, we have plenty of work to do on this subject and will continue to do so, but rest assured, our student-athletes love and respect this University very much and are competing their hearts out for it.
  2. this result would be a disaster for the country. Too close. It needs to be a whipping otherwise it is going to be a shit show although on brand for 2020
  3. did I see a poll yesterday that had James within 1 of Peters? That is a pretty big difference. I assume based on the turnout prediction?
  4. What an abortion. So we should've never even gotten close to tying the game up. Because there is zero chance Riley throws on 3rd down if there was 1:20 left rather than 2:06 or whatever. Ball don't lie, I guess.
  5. And here is the issue. The bungled nature was not getting past respected black players to consult and talk to the team. That's on herman and del conte.
  6. There's your polling Ghost. Not only is it not impacting the race but a bunch of guys are apparently looking around and thinking "I'd like to fuck a different woman in my bed, too"
  7. maybe he expected them to be super duper racist and instead they were just kinda sorta racist?
  8. this song, before the game tomorrow, when the band pauses for about 4 seconds, is the absolute fucking best. OU fans booing and they start right back up. I love it. Damn this pandemic for taking that moment away.
  9. She had a few other tweets behind that commenting on your exact latter point.
  10. Mary Katharine is married to Amy Walters, the political analyst from the Cook Report I mentioned on the Senate thread. She is not a Republican or conservative. Anyhow, VP debates don't move the needle
  11. there is nothing inconsistent about the thoughts. Maybe just how one values certain questions over others.
  12. Just giving my opinion. I'd be listed still as an undecided voter. I watched the entire thing. Clearly took away their performances different than you.
  13. Thought the moderator did a good job. Thought Pence did well. Kamala was either not expecting him to be that in control. Her Supreme Court non answer was really bad and she walked into the raising taxes comments. Pence was unprepared for the ACA question and he was on defense regarding covid for the first 20 minutes. The mansplaining/equal time stuff is horseshit. She got more time speaking than him.
  14. apparently he's now also under investigation from the Army Reserve. Toast. What a fucking idiot. https://www.wral.com/army-reserve-investigating-cunningham-after-woman-confirms-affair-more-texts-emerge/19323479/#.X33J32vfdc4.twitter
  15. She did not comment but I agree. He's toast.
  16. From listening to Amy. Trump Trailing 14 and 16 points post debate/covid nationally 5 R held senate seats, all in toss up 3 R held senate seats lean dem (Maine, az, and Colorado) 8 seats in play. Dems win half to get to 50 NC scandal, in normal year certainly would derail. So much churn going on makes this unclear Looks exactly the way it looked 4 years ago with the “grab them by the p” tape. R’s expected total down ballot massacre. Expecting it again this year and there is no Comey letter coming. Difference is the opponent. Biden was not who they wanted to face. Rs wanted to go against Bernie. Intensity of dislike for biden much less than Hillary Voters may not love biden, but he is much more palatable than Hillary was.
  17. I'm about to listen to a presentation from Amy Walters at Cook Political. Will add any relevant commentary here
  18. May not, especially in a blue wave. Haven’t seen any recent polling. He was up 3.6%. But as I posted up thread, if this guy was presenting himself as some moral beacon, fucking his mistress in his own house and sending dick pics is going to be tough.
  19. NC is going to stay R. The dem nominee fucked his mistress in his own house and sent pictures to her.
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