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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. Apparently there is a 2nd one that he's been having an affair with since 2012.
  2. Could you ask to unban yourself from the cloakroom so you can go in there and participate? I'd rather not read your hysterical posts on every other board on this god forsaken website.
  3. Texted a buddy in NC and asked him about the Cal news and if it would change the race. He asked his neighbors that he described as never trumpers/liberals and their response was "We don't give a fuck, we are voting for Cal". One data point, but I think that is the response. As long as Cal didn't cultivate his image as a family man and good husband, then he should be good.
  4. There are about 11000 current lawyers in the justice department.
  5. Are you me? Entire fam last week had to go through rapid testing and the kindergartner had to get a pcr negative result to be able to go back to school. All because of typical kid sickness. This is going to be the routine this Fall. I also feel like the kids immune systems are down a bit after not being around other germ spreaders for so long. Anyhow, no covid in the household.
  6. I can't believe this show is good. But I love it. Dart scene was great.
  7. He can't. He self banned from the CR because he has no self control.
  8. that emo with the black earring doesn't look like someone that would want to attend the RNC
  9. what was that trollop and her miniature husband charged with? Watching these protests that devolve into riots, clearly the people to be concerned about are privileged white people.
  10. But Stewart Mandel said the Big 12 found their doc on twitagra and clearly they were fucking idiots.
  11. Because he was pissed about Colt. And we were down 3 in the 4th quarter with the ball until ol' squints shit his pants. fuck.
  12. I responded to Kev in the DT thread but in Dallas, I'm seeing County Judge Clay Jenkins tweet out that there are no lines at testing sites. So there might actually be decreasing demand
  13. I thought that however I see daily tweets from Clay Jenkins telling people there are no lines at testing sites. Anecdotally it seems people are not going to get tested, not that there is a shortage.
  14. this is fake and was photoshopped. Debunked in the replies to that tweet
  15. Ol Wanker is the only poster I have on ignore. I don't need a brit telling me what to think about the US or fucking football. Love Anthony Lynn. McVay sucks and his wife looks to have a touch of east texas box face to go with some huge titays.
  16. felt like a bit of a data dump. under 300 cases so that's good. Look at the graph jenkins puts out showing actual date of death. anywho, can we play golf?
  17. very similar? or exactly similar after they stole the data?
  18. if inflation rips, then yes. But thus far we haven't seen 'inflation' in the way policy makers have it defined (although clearly asset inflation has taken place). Right now, all anyone is scared of is deflation, or dis-inflation if you're a central banker.
  19. I think Durham is widely considered to be the straightest of straight shooters so I'm not assuming or expecting anything other than the facts.
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