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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. According to cdc numbers, 777 out of 95,608 deaths in the US are under the age of 34. .8% of total deaths.
  2. Have we had any information released by Travis/Harris/Dallas county that talks about where they think the cases originated from? I know the Governor ordered nursing homes/etc. to be tested. Seems it will be pretty easy to determine if a case originated from attending a protest or a pool party.
  3. I'll be sure to tell her she is irrational. Pediatrician has been less than helpful as well.
  4. Watch the video of the WHO lady talking about asymptomatic spread. She seemed pretty confident about her answer regarding asymptomatic spread and how they were getting that data from places doing contract tracing. I need some information that I'm struggling to find and I'm hoping the surl can come through. I've got an important trip in about 45 days however I've got a newborn at home and wife is concerned about dangers to infants. The data that I've seen on the CDC about deaths and cases seem to be that the risk to infants is effectively nil. She is worried about this study (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6914e4.htm) that ultimately points out 62% of infants ended up hospitalized. Pediatrician has not been very helpful and is effectively saying 'any risk is too big of a risk'.
  5. I don't think you're complaining. But you're clearly obtuse (shawshank gif goes here) You're the one who's been flooding the board with political content. And it only cuts one way. Would you like a specific example? You've had 28k posts in 800 days averaging just a shade under 35 posts/day. I'm going to guess 90% of those have been in the CR and let's guess that maybe 25% of those have been on Russia and the Russian investigation. Guess what you didn't mention a peep of? All the disclosed transcripts of officials from the previous administration testifying under oath that there was zero evidence of collusion even though they'd go on Meet the Press or any other show and claim there was. Why not? I mean Rosenstein said this morning that there was no evidence of a conspiracy? Have you just moved on from all that or do you not care anymore given it wasn't the outcome you've pushed for 800 days. You're bad for the board, don't represent Texas or its fans, and are here to sow discord. It's obvious.
  6. You have an astoundingly impressive lack of self awareness. One can only assume it is on purpose.
  7. Outside agitators looking to ramp things up should be charged with treason and executed
  8. this was hilarious. ARS clearly didn't like being reminded that he has been wrong and so he dropped the big guns out and said Joe missed it on the way down and then added the cheap shot about 100k deaths and followed that up with 'you're just doing this to support your buddy Trump'. Under normal times, ARS asks the insightful questions and Joe bumbles around asking questions trying to lead whoever the guest is to the answer he wants to hear.
  9. West side central market had 100% mask compliance yesterday as did Lowe’s on inwood.
  10. Someone posted this in the DT thread that counters what you two are claiming. https://tallahasseereports.com/2020/05/20/rebekah-jones-firing-is-the-covid-clickbait-the-media-dreams-of-but-its-all-fake/
  11. XOM CEO came out and said they will not cut and will use their balance sheet if they have to.
  12. Well see, you can’t rage post about how dumb the Texas Republicans if you actually check facts.
  13. Today is going to be our highest case day but lowest positive rate. What do you think that means?
  14. Was at the pediatrician with our newborn this week and asked about this. Pediatrician basically said it is super low probability and we (the medical community) know how to deal with it but to be extra careful with the newborn
  15. The entire design is to avoid deflation as washpark noted. Every PhD economist studied the depression and the debt deflationary spiral associated with it.
  16. I don't know where you saw that but from the data in the txdshs Covid tracker new cases today were 1,448 which is the largest new case number. Yesterday was 1,355. Day before that was 1,179. The good news is testing is going way up. 35.8k today (with counties still reporting) and 49.2k yesterday. Positive infection rate yesterday was 2.8% and today it is 4% so far. Hospitalizations ticked down from yesterday as well to 1,648. Tough to judge on daily numbers and trends are more helpful. We are trending down on hospitalizations and positive infection rates. Fatalities are a mixed bag but today so far is our deadliest day at 58
  17. Saw an interview with her and she said she had no contact and it was her wealth manager’s call on what to buy and sell. I think the same thing with Feinstein. And both of those ladies met worth was not even remotely impacted. Burr is toast though as he made the calls and as someone already stated, was like all of his money.
  18. 587,431 as of today for an increase of 132k tests or 22,044/day. 42,403 total cases for a cumulative positive case to testing percentage of 7.2%. Of the increase in tests and cases over the last 6 days, we've had 132k new tests and 7013 new cases for a positive test rate of 5.3%. Looked at the average daily hospitalizations too this time and the peaked on 5/5 at 1,888 and sit at 1,676 today. Increased testing=increased cases but positive test rates decreasing and it looks like hospitalizations decreasing. Wear a mask, don't be old af, don't be fat af.
  19. Yeah, it's not new and Trump has been talking about it. Now that the entire story is falling apart not because of Trump but because of sworn testimony by those involved and your comment is to 'ignore it and focus on the economy'?
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