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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. Someone posted 70 as a magic number for spreading. You mocked that with a entertaining quip about germs spreading inside. Mo James then posted an article from the National Institute of Health confirming the 70 degree level that causes breakdowns in how the flu virus spreads. You should say thank you to Mo James, as I said previously, so in the future you won't come off as an asshole when talking about something you know nothing about.
  2. Americans tend to over respond once it gets to crisis levels. If we have a huge uptick in cases, social distancing/self quarantine will happen until it warms up. DARPA thinks they'll have found the monoclonal antibodies that could serve as a temporary shield against the virus until a vaccine can be brought online. I personally know epidemiologists that are working on rapid PCR tests and vaccines. https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2020/03/us-military-scientists-hope-have-coronavirus-therapeutic-summer/163659/
  3. Just take the good news and say thanks rather than acting hysterical to every response that isn't "OH MY GOD, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE". jfc
  4. So politically, do the Dems support a payroll tax or do they drag their feet? Politically, if it ends up not being dead bodies in the streets, and there is a payroll tax cut the juices consumer spending, that would increase Trump's odds of reelection? I also think a payroll tax cut is a wast of time to combat this issue. People are going to sit tight and not spend anything until there is clarity about the impact. If they don't pass it, Trump has an extra bogey man for the possible recession. "We were doing great, beautiful until them damn chinese released a virus into the world and then the do nothing dems didn't even want to help you!"
  5. Don’t want to answer for him but probably because technically a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP. The first two months of q1 were cranking and I think March is catching a boost of people overspending on shit in preparation for a long quarantine. Q2 will probably be negative, depending on how bad and long the virus impacts daily life. By the time July rolls around he is probably assuming we are all clear. Economic recession is irrelevant to the assfucking the market is giving out, btw.
  6. user name checks out. The price action on certain stocks make zero sense. There is clearly a lack of price discovery and just indiscriminate selling. Made purchases today. Will make more tomorrow. By the time the CV is widespread here markets will have already bottomed. And fiscal stimulus coming even though that will have fuck all to do with allaying CV fear.
  7. You're exactly right. No (negative or positive) emotion is connected. With Bernie, there is some negative whether you agree or not. With Trump there is a tsunami of negative. Not Trump (and no hardcore negative connotation like, say, socialism) should be enough to win the day.
  8. Are you subtly attempting to doxx? Really cool
  9. did you quote yourself or did you mean to use a different account? Regardless, I was under the impression that Bern and Liz aren't super tight and might actually dislike each other a touch?
  10. Appreciate that but now I think I know why you support Bernie. 1400+ posts on a political message board since January tell me you're either paid or need mental health support, with all sincerity. Now going out to vote for Biden.
  11. And the real estate guy running the country tweets out he wants 50 more. Monetary policy has zero effect on virus fears. It is never enough. I hate his jawboning of the Fed. There is going to be a liquidity suck when the machines get turned off and decide to head for the hills.
  12. You don't have to buy it. My point is that if it was a Bernie blowout (multiple state victory) then it increases the odds of him being the presumptive Democratic nominee. That in turn increases the chance of him being President which would be negative for equity prices. Increased risk to equity prices equals reducing equity exposure. And the market is not stable, moose out front last week shoulda told ya
  13. Expect another pull back. I don't think this was necessarily a dead cat bounce. That was attempted last Tuesday or Wednesday morning. This feels more like a bit of short covering and maybe Corona ain't that bad. If it was a bounce, then look out below. Short term concern would be explosion of cases and/or a Bernie blowout tomorrow.
  14. BT, Wash, and HS walk into a bar to Bernie strategery: BT- Look, Rat fucker and Shake Hair are out and supporting Biden. We need to spam the board with as much negative Biden shit as possible. Wash- I've got some sweet slowmo creepy Biden footage that Dear Leader's campaign emailed out to me earlier. Should I post those? HS- No Way! We don't want to look like we're playing dirty.......Guys, totes kidding. That was sarcasm! That's my deal! Post that shit. BT- Fine, shut the fuck up. Do it Wash. Spam the board. If we post enough then maybe these retarded rubes will realize it is Bernie or bust for the Bros. Bend to our will or 4 more years of Trump. Fuck it, we're white and rich so it ain't that bad. Also, I'll get my AR 15 and come to Milwaukee if it isn't Bernie. Wash- Cool, and I'll make sure I continue to compile a list of who all the posters are voting for. Insolence will not be tolerated and we'll need a list to go through in November to see who can post opinions or not. HS- Maybe we should make non Bros have a special sign off or maybe a badge identifying them as non Bro posters? You know, like a piece of flare? Like the Nazis did with Jews. Wash- Is that sarcasm too? 'Cause it seems like a great idea. Hail Berndawg!
  15. His wealth is in his ownership of Bloomberg LP, which is based on what people pay to have real time market data. If anything, the value of what his company provides went up last week.
  16. As soon as we get good news on the Virus the snap back will be as quick as the drop. Electronic and momentum trading along with indexing have speed characteristics that don’t allow for waiting for the all clear signal. That’s why you take positions during drops.
  17. I think Bernie is going to do better than that. And F Tom Steyer.
  18. Totally agree that stimulus spending has diminishing returns. Especially in leverage situations. But I disagree that fiscal/stimulus policy is shot (and for the record, I don't think it would be effective right now anyway). For reference, the S&P 500 companies uses of cash since 2007 on stock buybacks went like this: 33%, 25%, 23%, 21%, 28%, 23%, 26%, 27%, 24%, 25%, 24%, 28%, 28%. So in '18 and '19 they did a little bit more as a percentage of cash but not drastically different. Dividend history was similar, fyi. Dollar amounts were higher but that's because they had more cash. Regardless, buybacks and dividends were there before and didn't increase drastically due to tax stimulus. Capex percentages were similar in percentage history too, just more on a dollar basis. So, respectfully, your analysis is wrong and you should feel bad;). There is plenty left in the tank, should the Fed and government feel the need to. But this sell off has fuck all to do with that and more about unknown impact to economic activity of everyone on the planet sitting at home in fear of this virus.
  19. What was 'all of our economic stimulus capacity' and why is there none left, in your opinion?
  20. Pete had a great line last night that resonated. something along the lines of 'people want to be able to turn on the TV and see their President and not have their blood pressure rise'. Bernie and Trump have the same effect of stressing people the fuck out.
  21. “Senator Sanders, after reading your rape fantasy, kid dick touching, and Fidel praising, is it fair to say you’re a Socialist kid rapists?”
  22. Read “The Fifth Risk” by Michael Lewis Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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