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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. It will be interesting to see how far Michigan goes.
  2. I remember where we were before him. Last years early exit was garbage but I can’t really blame shit on him for this one. Sometimes the shots don’t go in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. As the only Tennessee fan here I’m not going to bitch. The effort was there. Sometimes shit just doesn’t happen.
  4. I don’t get caught up in seeding even though I think it’s horseshit that we beat Kentucky twice and beat Auburn this season plus beating Arizona. Just win
  5. Once we started playing our small lineup we got a lot better. I give credit to Barnes in that midway through season we completely changed style and it worked. Funny enough things improved after Texas game.
  6. This has been my thinking all along and why I think someone from within his party kills him.
  7. I am very much pro Ukraine and yeah I agree. I probably shouldn’t have made the half assed attempt at humor.
  8. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. It’s like Days Of Thunder.
  9. Thanks. I spent 45 minutes in the pool this afternoon and it went a little better. I am trying to swim like I run so I am working on trying to remain calm.
  10. That’s something I have been wondering myself. He is way to prideful to lose with any dignity.
  11. I got in the pool for the first time today and lol I fucking suck. I could only go down 1 time without getting tired. Learning how to breath has been humbling. I did a nice 1.5 hours on the bike before.
  12. Thanks man. Any advice you can give a first timer? I run a lot of half marathons and usually finish around 1:30 but I am really excited to be doing something different. I am 41 so almost an old guy.
  13. I live in Chattanooga so you and I will be doing Chattanooga together. Let me know where you are staying as we get closer to the race. This morning I got on the bike for 1.5 hours and then did a 4 mile run holding a 6:40 pace fairly easy. I know everything will be different on race day but for now I am enjoying it. I haven't even began to practice swimming but I need to.
  14. I honestly did the same damn thing and powered through it. I feel sorry for the women but they got caught being gold diggers.
  15. Halfway through Tinder Swindler and holy shit women are so damn gullible.
  16. Is that Willie Watson on guitar?
  17. Not really but I do eat what I want. The only thing I avoid when I can is bread.
  18. Clearly these young men were in fear of their lives and acted in self defense.
  19. Starting to get pumped for my Ironman 70.3 in May. It will be my first but think I can come in under 5 hours. I’ve learned this shit is fucking expensive but at least I will have everything I need for when I do the full Ironman in fall of 23.
  20. Will not watch but if you are a responsible dog owner this doesn’t happen.
  21. It was about 5 years ago I absolutely asked for advice on things and did a dry January. I didn’t drink at all last January and it was easy. This time hasn’t been bad either and will at least go 60 days if not 100. I just love this thread and find it very helpful regardless of where someone is in life.
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