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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Somewhere ol' Freaky Bob is up there and reliving the good ol' days before the producers went soft on him and is letting the female contestants reach down deep into his hundred dollar pocket to fish out that c-note.
  2. Tech needs to bring those unis back.
  3. You're making the argument FOR the programs who have been there since the early inception of the sport and survived when others didn't as a reason for their consideration as a blue blood.
  4. I had the same benefits through Right Management which I found to be quite useful. My coach was great and a lot of the content (on-demand and live webinars) was very useful. My resume writer was probably the weakest link due to her slow response time and lack of true input. In fact, if their resume builder app was better/more intuitive I would have skipped the resume writer altogether. One thing she did provide, however, was my resume in two different Word formats: one for sharing directly with personnel via email, and one to submit via online portals for the AI readers. The differences were subtle-just some formatting and fonts-but are apparently useful in that AI "reads" the text differently than a person and the 2nd version is designed to make more of an impact with the bots. Of course that could all be bullshit and just a way for RM to claim that they're providing 2X the benefits but hey, everything helps I suppose.
  5. Did the BXII just not increase in size? Is your HC, AD, and conference commissioner not chirping that their best days are firmly ahead of them? Tech and the rest all get to enjoy exactly what they've always wanted...a conference without Texas and OU. Enjoy, sandy vag.
  6. And Tech receives ZERO funding from the citizens of this state, right? This reminds me of some dipshit on Baylorfans 15+ years ago claiming Texas had an unfair advantage because his taxes went to funding UT and paying for things like electricity and infrastructure, Texas could divert funds to the athletic department that poor, li'l ol Baylor couldn't match keep up with.
  7. But this is contrary to everything Yaketysax and the other ADs are saying. How did Texas "kill" the BXII while y'all are now saying you're stronger, more stable and united than ever before?
  8. This. Plus the claim that Texas via Dodds was running the conference with an iron-first, requiring all other members to kneel down before Zod, accept leftover scraps, and were held back from achieving greater success either as individual schools or as a collective due to Texas' demands. Other than Nebraska losing partial qualifiers, what did any of the BXII schools "lose" by being in a conference with Texas and OU as the highest profile members? How many of the SWC schools who didn't make it to the BXII howled for decades about the hundreds of millions in revenue and brand exposure they missed out on by not being in the conference? Tech and oSu did a premature victory lap when they thought they were going to hitch a ride w/ OU and Texas to the Pac. They were singing "hey hey hey, goodbye" to their now BFFs and soulmates Baylor, ISU and the Kansas schools. Oopsie. It's fabulous that Yakmilk can claim the BXII was able to "get rid of" Texas and OU early so the remaining and newly joined schools can all achieve the greatness and unachievable heights that they were systematically and contractually unable to realize until we left.
  9. And the idiots in the audience who applauded, cheered and yelped with enthusiastic glee should lose their right to vote.
  10. Yep, there was a great documentary on Big Bend that just aired. Stick with more of that.
  11. If they don't make him remove his lifts, I'll go 6'1 and 238. He's been living on diet coke and adderall for months.
  12. Sending good vibes for ya, Mac. As someone impacted by a corporate reorg earlier this spring, I know the stress and anxiety of the job search. In fact, I started a thread here in late June when it looked like I was going to have to decide between 3 offers at the same time and I was looking for advice on how to maneuver multiple offers simultaneously. The joke was on me as I came in 2nd place for all 3. Then I went the better part of a month either getting the auto-resume rejection or ghosted by 15 or 20 other companies. Fortunately a few weeks ago I was selected for a supply chain mgr job (government). Around the same time, a privately owned tech company that I applied with in early May apparently just found my application in the stack and reached out to me. After several interviews they came to me with an offer on Fri for a PM position that wasn't even posted. I'll get the official offer on Monday, but I've spent the weekend toiling over what to do. Take more money and so-so benefits to go with the private company that will almost certainly be acquired in the next 2-4 years, likely making me a prime target for another reorg, or less money, great benefits and the peace of mind that comes with knowing I can likely write down my retirement date from the gov't job? Mrs GOTJ--who's worked in state and local gov't her entire career--is pushing me to take the $$ and run. But my nuts are pulled high and tight over the possibility having to go through the rigors of the involuntarily job hunt again at this stage of my life. Sorry for the mini-threadjack. I sincerely hope things turn your way in the immediate future. You're too good of a person to have to deal with this kind of shit.
  13. I guess if you're dumb enough to pay regular season ticket prices for a pre-season game you might as well enjoy the whole experience.
  14. I mean, I don't think I've heard a second of him since he was last on the Austin airwaves what....5 years ago? Ten? If he's still regurgitating the same schtick then I guess give the dude his props for making a living saying absolutely nothing while repeating the same old tired tropes for the past 25 years. Good work if you can get it.
  15. Don't you clones come in with your weak takes. No one wants to hear your lame "ARRSEE". Come strong, clones, and you may make it to the Smack Off. Rack him
  16. Homa just missed a one foot putt for DB. I've seen better putts at Crystal Falls.
  17. Man, when karma kicks you in the ass before you turn 30 you've probably done some really shitty things to deserve it.
  18. 🤘RIP, Bill. I hope all of the teams can achieve something worthy of your memory this season.
  19. Per his Wiki page (which some poor sheepfucker had to make and find career "highlights" for, including his lone NFL stat of an 8-yard scramble resulting in a first down!) "Real Deal" indeed
  20. Yeah, but now he ranks Mack Brown (who he ragged on constantly while at the Sporting News) in his top 10 of the current best HCs in CF, citing what Mack did at Texas and our 10 years of wandering through the desert of mediocrity.
  21. God help me, but I had to look up and see if that pustule Matt Hayes was still employed. He's writing for some B1G 10-centric site called Saturday Tradition No Talent Ass Clown Articles Here's the type of insight you'll find ol' Matt still slinging (in his ranking of the top 25 OCs in college football).
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