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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. And Texas receiving the lion's share of the PUF. And Leach's soul being unable to rest due to tech screwing him out of backpay. And....
  2. His "VERY LITTLE DEBT" claim has got to be the most outrageous lie he's told in the last 15 minutes. Wasn't it shown a few years ago that many of his properties are currently financed with interest only loans and the bills are all coming due in the next 12-36 months?
  3. He's preparing his speech for BXII media days, 2028. "Now Joey, I'm going to be in Lubbock for Wyoming's return game. And I'm going to see to it that y'all take care of business this time." Who am I kidding? There's less than a 10% chance that both Yaketysax and Joey Mugshot are both in their current positions 5 years from now.
  4. It really is amazing when you think about it. He was essentially a one hit wonder who turned that song's vibe into the foundation for a billion dollar empire.
  5. Baylor losing their home opener to Tx State is delicious. Those poor Brapists are going to have to look at their shoes while they stock up on Old Crow at the liquor store so they don't make eye contact with one another.
  6. Joey must've thought that Yaketysax was going to take care of the refs in tech's non-conference games, too.
  7. 1-5 on the road, Joey. Does the road to BXII now run through Laramie?
  8. Cross posting 'cause it's so bad ass. St. Bart's in 2007.
  9. A friend of mine who's a big JB fan (wouldn't call him a parrothead as I don't think he ever saw him in concert; certainly never followed him around to shows) sent a pic of his oldest son standing next to JB about 7 years ago. I had no idea he was that short. My buddy's boy is just like him, 5'7ish in shoes, and he's almost half a head taller than JB in the photo.
  10. Slippery football! 3rd turnover, 4th if you include the TO on downs.
  11. Just a precursor for conference play.
  12. Ahem. Ewers last two passes were TDs so....he should throw more of them.
  13. Buffs need to take 6'59" to score a TD.
  14. Come on, the refs were blocked by the play taking place near the sideline with absolutely no one else between them & the action.
  15. TCU defense can't stop shit. Love it.
  16. CU finally connected on the deep ball.
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