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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. [emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869] Needed that.
  2. Curious as to why this is the last game ever on LHN. One final 'fuck you' by Yaketysax and the B12 by saying "you ain't broadcasting any conference games on the way out the door"?
  3. Baxter is out tonight per Sark. Precautionary move so his shoulder can heal.
  4. I wonder if Milroe got lippy in practice this week. Hard to imagine him as 3rd string.
  5. Aggy: they were playing possum in their first games so Durkin wouldn't have tape on what they can really do!
  6. UL Monroe unis look like Jack Skelington.
  7. Weather delay now. Time for Saban to reconsider his QB.
  8. Ohio State is letting Western Kentucky hang around early.
  9. Kansas State. Lulz. Hey Yormark....wassup?
  10. What's the flag? And the fans storm the field! Lololol
  11. So what did all of the Iowa state players eat that gave them all the shits? Skyline Chili?
  12. Texas GQP politics. Dirtier than a port-a-pot at Woodstock.
  13. Is there a person on earth who believes Miss GED wrote one line of that public apology? Jesus, damage control comms team. At least throw in a few misspelled words or improper tense changes. Dumb it down for her target audience.
  14. Great movie. Scorsese makes the filmgoer feel as trapped in the movie as Griffin. It's pretty amazing in hindsight that his two films immediately after Raging Bull--The King of Comedy and After Hours--were flops and so misunderstood that people were wondering if he'd lost his touch. The King of Comedy was 20+ years ahead of its time as a look into celebrity worship & how far an untalented, ordinary person would go in search of fame in order to be "somebody."
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