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Trey3216 last won the day on May 4 2020

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About Trey3216

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  1. There's definitely more chaos in the markets than currently showing. I think the stock market sells off regardless who gets elected to be honest. I just think there's a lot of things working against one another right now. Inflation has come down, but prices are still constraining budgets in a bad way. Rates are still very high for non-prime lending for vehicles, equipment, etc. Home prices have cooled, but not precipitously in many markets. Lot of factors. Lot of data that markets move on flipping back and forth bringing further uncertainty....and we know markets dislike uncertainty.
  2. Mostly that the bond market doesn't believe inflation is under control. i.e. the FED waited too long to raise rates and the economy hasn't cooled off enough. By cutting rates, the economy may reheat to the point where the FED has to maintain or raise rates in order to stifle inflation/economy. The low point on the pic I sent was basically the day they cut rates. So either some economic numbers are going to have to come back soft, or inflation is going to have to show much lower readings than it is, or the bond market is going to continue to disagree with FED machinations.
  3. God I loved the W 7th location of Fred's. Really good burgers, cold ass beer. Used to be able to get $2 Banquets all day every day.
  4. I’ve got 19 hours of CE to get done this week. Yay
  5. Yep. 30 yr sitting at 4.46. 54 bips higher than when they announced the cut. Great
  6. You think he'd have bought those sweet ass wife-beaters and $18 chains on Amazon if it weren't for the overwhelmingly positive review ratios???
  7. The only time I volunteered for a poly was interviewing for an intel analyst position at a 3 letter agency right out of college. I was on it for 8+ hours. I’ve never been more mentally and physically exhausted in my life
  8. With one direction home. A complete unknown. Like a rolling stone.
  9. It's pretty telling that since the dawn of civilization and recorded history, the large majority of us have some sort of belief in deity/higher power/outside or unknown presence. It's almost like it's built into the fiber of our being. Innate. There are reasons for that that none of us know, but the search for the answers of that is as scientific as anything we do on an ordinary basis. The Why is a question we will always, and should always ask. Yet, there will always be people ready to pile on for the narcissistic joy of hoping they are right just so the other people are wrong. That's innate in our species as well. Just depends which road you decide to walk.
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