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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RollingPresidential

  1. Was wondering the same myself. IT's would be interesting, or TFB's since they were willing to quote a dollar figure for Neyor.
  2. That was orders of magnitude less than this.
  3. Amazing. I want him to write what made Shemar Stewart, Walter Nolen, and Brownlow-Dindy fall in love with CS next.
  4. Perroni's write up should be something special this year.
  5. Yeah, the "NIL" gives it the veil of rules-compliance. That's not what they're doing.
  6. What, exactly, is this 'revenge' that the other schools can or are going to get on A&M?
  7. Every day last year during spring ball there was rumors that someone (J’Tavion Sanders?) was doing this, so yes, we would have. Not everyone is Liucci.
  8. I feel like we've been predicting the eventual Aggie collapse into flames for years. Next year in Jerusalem.
  9. That last thing sounds like the Zach Evans quote put through a Liucci bullshit machine
  10. Done. Had been meaning to sign up. Thanks for the prompt.
  11. Bruce isn't a crank, what the hell is his basis for that?
  12. A&M gonna drop the same bags this class too? Any idea what the dynamics are early? I think CTJ knew what was up in January last year, just curious. I *assume* we won’t go 5-7 with a loss to Kansas but anything’s possible.
  13. And I'll just stop posting for awhile.
  14. I meant for what HC at Michigan, given that Harbaugh is looking around.
  15. I know I'm one to talk in this thread but how is that middle one real.
  16. I do know why I get these ads - I bought a christmas present for the wife (and my midget scat porn addiction). Didn't know that Apple Podcasts had targeted advertisements because I thought that those things were added to the recording in advance. Like I said, learn something new every day.
  17. I mean if we can lose to Okie on the road we can lose to literally anyone in conference, and we’re 12-3 without a quality win. I’d be interested in what the splits on those Gonzaga #’s are when the game was competitive vs when it was out of reach. I’m not confident we make the tournament. We’re not a very good team based on yesterday’s performance. Maybe it’s a one off and I hope I’m wrong, but that was the dregs of the conference that beat us pretty soundly yesterday.
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