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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RollingPresidential

  1. How long has CTJ been an insider on the Longhorn Interwebs
  2. Yeah they were tweeting about the Joe Bergeron "fumble" from 2012 on Saturday.
  3. Oh for the days when Taylor Hamm was hyping visits by Jacob Kibodl and calling Dwaine Thomas or Claude George better prospects than Malik Jefferson, because Charlie Strong (!) had so thoroughly defeated Sumlin in recruiting the top Texas players.
  4. Zwerneman is the mouth piece for (a faction of?) boosters. He's also as redass as they come - will never forget him tweeting that Rovell covering the Manziel autograph thing was because ESPN was in bed with UT due to LHN.
  5. I think this kind of shit is extra weak from a coach. In any other context, saying that kind of thing to someone is inviting a response, and Campbell knew that Sanders can't respond to him without getting in trouble. Lame and makes me think a lot less of him.
  6. Lot of really earnest Aggies concerned about targeting on the Twitters.
  7. That Matt guy...he's quite the special internet Aggie. Like if a redass tried to also be Ian Boyd.
  8. That update from Howell seems to be a 'just you wait, the bags are coming' type of post. The idea that Jimbo 'closed' those guys with pure salesmanship is amusing to me.
  9. Not sure the Weigmann > Ewers with no live snaps thing is better than the random Juco kid they signed in 2015 that Hamm said was a better prospect than Malik Jefferson
  10. Maybe we can get this story when he's in the NFL (or elsewhere)
  11. Last throw aside, I thought King looked as good as anyone else they've had the last few years. Better than he had this season so far at least.
  12. lol wow. Haven't seen that kind of thing so public before I guess.
  13. Right, you've said that part before, but I also read what you said about it being unlikely any of their mercenaries hit the portal based on their pay structure. It just seems like this is him trolling Texas fans.
  14. What is Stewart doing? Has to be trolling, right? He was the big TikTok guy?
  15. Bama's secondary isn't good, compared to years past at least. Our guys were burning their DBs to a crisp, and they made Haynes King look competent for the first time this season.
  16. 28-17 Texas. Defense gives up 360 yards.
  17. Mario Cristobal is a bad in-game coach, Ags could still win this game due to dueling shiftiness.
  18. Also had a shitty fumble in the first quarter that led to one of their scores. The Card pick six was awful, but Casey got pulled there for a reason.
  19. I think that some of the $9.95ers recognize, not wrongly, that drama breeds clicks which breeds ad dollars and subs. OB is the most egregious example, but a close camp battle or whatever yesterday's drama was probably drove subs for all of these sites.
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