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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. 10 minutes into a movie, "this fucking movie sucks!"
  2. Something looks different about his delivery.
  3. where the fuck did freshman Daly go? Wasn't he all-conference as a freshman?
  4. Garrett needs to be better than that.
  5. Morehouse likes to throw pitches 59' and 73'. He is effective sometimes but mostly he sucks.
  6. I bet these fuckers wear pooka shell necklaces off the field.
  7. It will not. We need at least 2 more.
  8. Did Guillemette eat a 50mg THC gummy before this game?
  9. We continue to dominate on the mound. Unreal. This is likely going to really fuck up his ERA.
  10. There should be a historical marker out front.
  11. They can enjoy the shitty BBQ at Underwood's as a consolation.
  12. Did you not watch the video? He enters the store, sees an open cash register, grabs cash and flees. Employee shoots him in the back. No weapon, no robbery.
  13. That dude definitely went to Benjamin's and bought all of their Yaga stickers for his car.
  14. It's maddening. I fucking pull my hair out watching this bully. We gave up 24 runs to a 12-22 team. We walked 22 Bears in the last 2 games of the series. I hope that our bullpen was shitty because they got fucked up every night on those big liquor drinks at Chapter 11 but that is just optimism. Too far into the season to be pitching like this. Stuart threw one behind a RH hitter FFS. Can these guys really be dialed in during inter-squads and this inconsistent during games? I know a lot of our pen has "great stuff" but it isn't worth a lot if they can't get it near the plate.
  15. Freedom City sounds straight out of the Road Warrior. Full of large mentally infirm men and angry midgets with sharp teeth.
  16. I mean, getting a 10% scholarship to a school that leaves you $200K inn debt seems like a retards folly.
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