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Everything posted by BigVegasHorn26

  1. It’s definitely not the answer.
  2. This garbage team and ginger cock sucker can get fucked. Soft, stupid, and shitty is no way to go through life.
  3. The whole team lost the game today. Bad performance all the way around.
  4. Fucking terrible performance. His unit is dogshit. Tackling was indescribably bad. Like holy F bad.
  5. Yeah, this is not going to end well. Already see the quit starting to sink in. Something has to turn.
  6. They’re getting worked. Not sure they realize they’re in a dogfight.
  7. Not everyone can master the herp a derp as young as Case.
  8. On that throw, he also needs to lead the receiver more up the field so the trailing defenders can’t run under it.
  9. Not lately. Seems like that game has been a pile of shit to watch this entire century.
  10. My dad’s birthday is also 10/13. I think this means he’s coming to Texas.
  11. Aggie’s self-realization is stealing my joy.
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