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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. Certainly hope so. After many years of frustration, got spoiled for several seasons. Never in wildest dreams would have thought they would do what they did in '10 and '11.
  2. Yea. I miss Mr Phlegm. And back on topic, hrc ain't POTUS!
  3. Hopefully rinse and repeat. hrc ain't POTUS!
  4. Yea. I'll trust that "science guy" dude.
  5. You're needed more on Russian, Trump, Mueller yadda yadda thread.
  6. He borrowed them from Candi.
  7. Trump is a holocaust denier?
  8. Need to get off the sauce this evening.
  9. And those socialists are doing pretty damn good financially, I'd wager.
  10. The left throws out the racist card to 95% of the right and some leftys. Hell on cr if a right leaning poster disagrees with them,, the first thing out of their mouths is racist bigot. They ain't got much more than that and it goes down hill from there.
  11. "Wiser Person"= David Dennison
  12. So has this dude revised his post. Aggy suckafication.
  13. Very clever idea there, Dix.
  14. ...and a big sec patch on the back and sides of helmet.
  15. Drove by Hutchins many a time and never stopped. Couple months ago decided to stop and was impressed. Been back once since and will for sure stop in again.
  16. Yes. Went to sleep on both wins. Maybe need to make this a habit. Damn left coast games.
  17. Would it work for a lot of posters around here?
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