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Certifiably Surly
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TexArcher last won the day on December 2 2023

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  1. I'm not sure I agree that this is political suicide for her. I feel like almost everyone who's outraged about this never would've voted for her anyway. And there are a lot of Republicans who find Trump personally distasteful, but they credit him for ending abortion and other things that are policy wins for them, so they'll hold their noses and vote for him again. I don't see how this comment is any different. She shouldn't have shot that dog, but at least she's right on the issues, they'll tell themselves. Christ, it's not as if she admitted to, and joked about, sexual assault...
  2. Get off your ass and go vote for not-fascism. I don't need to know anything about "the other guy" against Hitler or Mussolini. That other guy has my vote. This is very simple.
  3. Looks like an AI image for "redneck asshole who sucks."
  4. I think it's mostly that about half of this country is so solidly in the "Murka! Greatest country on Earf can do no wrong, and if you don't love it here, you can giiiit out!" camp that *any* argument to the contrary cannot be understood or processed. Us good, you bad. Any cognitive dissonance arising from that standpoint must be immediately cleansed at nearest echo chamber. And every college student is a member of the intellectual elite, of course. Also, they have a military and paramilitary boner and they like to see it used. On anyone.
  5. Chief Ouray, I wish you were just a little bit smarter so you could understand how negging this post, but not being able to offer any counterargument, 100% proves the point. Please don't breed.
  6. Are you asking Republicans to think critically and give an honest answer as to why two of their talking points are contradictory? IIt's a reasonable request, but ou will stop sucking before you get a thoughtful response.
  7. The people who give the orders love this shit. Every time they get to deploy their militarized police force is a step toward normalizing it. Looking at the videos, the only danger I see is those police. The kids are just chanting, and there are Israeli flags among the pro-Palestine crowd, and everything is fine. This is cops arresting people because their bosses told them to, because those bosses want to, and because they can. And it points to something much bigger than this protest.
  8. You know, a lot of people are saying this is the greatest exoneration in history, believe me. Commemorative exoneration desk lamps will be available for $14,750 on Truth Social by this evening, sure to become a collector's item when I'm convicted in plus-or-minus six weeks.
  9. Isn't commenting on the gag order in public a violation of the gag order?
  10. I'm supposed to believe Donald Trump wrote this and spelled "stanchion" and "appellate" correctly? Because I definitely don't.
  11. I'm afraid he's going to win. He significantly outperformed his polling in the general election last time. And he's leading the polls this time. I'm afraid that he still has the same silent voting bloc that he had last time, and he's just going to win, without even having to steal it, which I'm sure is Plan B. I have never wanted to be wrong so badly in my entire life. I'm going to retire in another country, but I'm not ready to do it next year. P.S. Fuck Trump and fuck 100% of the idiots and evil bastards who still support him for any reason.
  12. So, I'm not a lawyer, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express ever, so can someone let me know if it's bad when the judge tells your legal team that they're losing all credibility on Day 2? Seems bad. And embarrassing. Like something a narcissist might have an aneurysm over?
  13. Can we find an insane person, then?
  14. Or save a few bucks and shoot him against a wall?
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