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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Yeah, but they shot at a *white man* this time. You can't compare that to a bunch of brown kids in Uvalde getting shot. They were probably illegals here to rape our white wives with their fentanyl cocks anyway.
  2. And there it is. If Trump wins, it's because he's awesome. If Trump loses, it's because Vance sucks.
  3. Maybe Mountain Dew will sue him for repeatedly slandering their name?
  4. Aw, Vivek can't tell which negro lady to throw stones at from a very safe distance so he doesn't get his prissy little ass kicked. Poor Vivek. But his veneers look fabulous.
  5. In fairness, who else are they gonna mention for them? Reggie "Real Deal" McNeal? Mark "The Rifleman" Farris?
  6. The line to catch a beating from Texas forms to the left. And everyone can get in the motherfucker.
  7. I look forward to Saban's complete lack of a poker face every time Desmond speaks.
  8. I crack up every time I hear a Republican bitch about the economy on Facebook or wherever else. Fox News could tell you that the grass is purple now because of Joe Biden and you'd all bitch about how the grass used to be green under Trump without even bothering to look out at your own front lawns to see if they're really purple now. You moronic little sock puppets.
  9. It's kind of a miracle that JD Vance was able to fuck all those couches and not get his dick lit on fire when he was at Ohio State.
  10. Texas - 27 Michigan - 20 That's right.
  11. John King on CNN said that a high-ranking Democrat he spoke with said that on Sunday morning, they had a 5% chance, and now they have a 40% chance. I feel like that's probably about right. And it's a sobering thought. I don't know about y'all, but it makes me want to work a phone bank. If the worst comes to be, I have to be able to say that I tried.
  12. Agreed. I want to see Pete get a shot at Secretary of State. Smartest guy in the room, speaks 7 languages including Arabic, military service, etc. He'd crush that role.
  13. Yeah, but she's not a nnnnnnnnnDemocrat... God dammit, fuck these people so, so much...
  14. I mean, how fucking awful are you people when someone saying "colored" on national television isn't even the most disgraceful thing y'all said today?!
  15. So this is how Democracy dies... With thunderous applause hawk tuah jokes about the Vice President. I know they're just doing performance "art," and that's how they can sleep at night, in their mansions, but to 40% of the country that comment is a) funny, b) fair game, and c) not in any way inconsistent with being Christians. These people cannot be allowed to win power again. Ever. As soon as they do, this country is finished.
  16. I don't ask for a lot. Just please let this be real and let us beat ou.
  17. At this point, I am 100% expecting a Republican political ad that starts with, "We're not weird..."
  18. What are they demanding be ceased, use of Haley's name? This timeline, man. God damn.
  19. Trump has to overrate everything he talks about. It wouldn't be enough to fix the border crisis; he has to fix the biggest border crisis in the entire world. Because people crossing the border to bus tables and pick lettuce is way more dangerous than Israel/Syria and at least a dozen other examples. Sure, fat man.
  20. Absolutely. Several of the best leaders in my lifetime have been women. And no matter how this race turns out, watching the sane half of the country come together like this is pretty great. It gives me a glimmer of hope, and I'm as cynical as they come.
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