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Hank Chinaski

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Everything posted by Hank Chinaski

  1. Exactly. They are the coulda/woulda/shoulda heavyweight champions of the world.
  2. Fangraphs top-100 prospect list is out. They have Pena at #30 overall. That’s encouraging. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/2022-top-100-prospects/
  3. Also, I know the thread title reads “non-aggy,” but the 2020 A&M team epitomizes “overrated” more than any others in recent memory. Covid-shortened year meant that they played 10 games. They went 9-1 and finished the season ranked #4. Their loss was by 4 TDs. The combined record of the 9 opponents they defeated was 39-56. The best team they beat was Florida (8-4) at home. The only other decent team they beat was Mack’s UNC team in the Orange Bowl, and pretty much all of their best players sat out of the bowl game. That is the definition of an overrated team.
  4. I guess you’d have to consider 2007 LSU, as they won a “national title” with 2 losses (both to teams that finished the season unranked). There were 6 other teams from BCS conferences that finished that season with 2 or fewer losses, including a B12 team that went 12-1 and won the Orange Bowl, whose only loss was to the team that finished that year #4 in the polls.
  5. I said nothing about “big pharma” or “trust.” I said the science is explained in these papers. Identifying specific shortcomings within these studies and how they relate to one’s stance on the efficacy of vaccines is worthwhile conversation. Infographics loaded with straw men isn’t.
  6. This isn’t science either, this is propaganda. If you want to criticize the science, point out the flaws in these papers: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C32&q=covid+19+vaccine+efficacy&btnG= This is the actual science. Not news stories, not memes, not propaganda, not op-eds, not bumper sticker tag lines. The actual science. Which means every conclusion that’s drawn is explained, the steps they used to draw these conclusions are described in excruciating detail, and anyone is welcome to review and identify specifically where the authors may have overlooked methodological flaws.
  7. Kiley McDaniel (ESPN prospect guy, formerly at Fangraphs) released his top 100 today. Has Pena ranked #48 and Hunter Brown at #88.
  8. Thanks for posting. I’m pretty encouraged by his thoughts on Pena, Lee and some others. Also I didn’t realize Perez hit that well last season…given all his injuries, that is exciting. Its not a flashy system right now, but the draft pick penalties are done now, so that figures to get better. If Pena and Lee can become average regulars in the next year or so, that would go a long way in keeping the lineup strong (Tucker and Alvarez should be elite offensively, Bregman could be also, Altuve should remain above average for a few more years, etc.). If a guy like Leon refines his game, he could be a star.
  9. I think a good outcome today would be “progress;” Manfred claims the revised offer is “good.” The players will disagree, it’s just a matter of how much they disagree, how much whatever the new proposal is can move things forward. If I had to guess, I’d guess it’ll be similar to ‘95, with a regular season shortened by a week or two. Spring training is almost certainly going to be delayed and the clock is ticking. With the WS already stretching into November, playing 162 games seems unlikely if you have to push opening day back much. I suppose there is hope for a relatively quick resolution and an abbreviated spring training. If no progress is made today, it’s not looking good.
  10. I mean, he said steroid use could have been a “factor.” That’s not really a crazy thought, given the links between anabolic steroid abuse and adverse effects on the liver, cardiovascular system, etc. Sure, it’s unlikely that what killed him was entirely and directly linked to steroid use, but suggesting that a behavior known to increase the risk of certain health issues could have been a factor in a (relatively) young man’s death isn’t “stupid.”
  11. Seems like I remember reading something last off-season about some S&C peers questioning what Yancy had the players doing - like actually being stunned. Add in the mass injuries from the past few years, and maybe if you squint you can connect some dots and conclude that there may be something to this “build from the foundation” approach to S&C under the new staff, emphasizing form, alignment, etc. On the other hand, it’s a 9.95 off-season report about S&C, so…
  12. I was in college when they moved to TN and grad school when the Texans began. I guess it’s because I was an adult and didn’t live in Houston at the time, but I just couldn’t ever care that much about the Texans. It’s totally irrational, but if they had come back in 92 as the Oilers, I’d have been all the way back in. I guess we really do root for laundry. As inept as they’ve been, I wouldn’t care if only they were the Oilers. (But passing on VY would have been really hard to take.)
  13. Yeah, I think this is a good summary of the situation. Disappointing situation because I thought Flores was doing a good job in Miami and seemed to be building something. I didn’t know he was at odds with the owner/front office. Hopefully something positive comes out of the suit for him and for the league.
  14. I’d take 05 VY over 19 Burrow all day, every day. As talented as that Texas team was, Vince wasn’t exactly throwing to Chase and Jefferson. Nobody I’ve ever seen could consistently make something out of nothing like VY.
  15. Getting back to the topic of “fuck Aaron Rodgers,” here’s another great example of how he’s such a douche. Deflecting to a topic that he knows will get him sympathy from lots of people. Hell, I’ve been wanting Aaron Rodgers to lose for almost 20 years, starting with the 2004 Holiday Bowl following his temper tantrum about Texas. And he hilariously did lose that game to a team Texas beat 51-21 in their home stadium. His idiotic preference for homeopathy is just another detail in the story of how much he sucks and should be hated. You know he’s the type of dumbass who expresses “skepticism” of “western medicine” (because he watched a YouTube video) while trying to sound smart (but he’s actually talking out of his ass). Come on, we all know someone like this.
  16. He was already in the “pantheon of greatest ever,” he was actually just underrated in the second half of the 90s with the emergence of Griffey and Thomas and then the McGwire/Sosa thing. He should have won 3 more MVPs in the 90s and he was a first-ballot HOFer if he retired after the 1998 season. What happened from 01-04 was one of the great players of all time deciding “you know what, people want to see numbers, I’ll show you some fucking numbers.” In an era of widespread PED use in the late 90s, he was still the best player in the game. When he started using (leveling the playing field, you could say), he was the best hitter of all time. OPS+ measures how good he was relative to the league…from 01-04 he posted OPS+ of 259, 268, 231, 263. He was 150% better than league average - which accounts for lots and lots of PED users - over a 4-year span. Yes, PEDs boosted those totals. But relative to a league full of users, he was on a different planet altogether. I get that all this is beside the point to a lot of people - “he cheated” is all they care about. That’s fine and all, but I think you have to consider that MLB did absolutely nothing to enforce the “rules” back then, half his peers were doing it and being rewarded for it, and baseball itself benefitted from it. The climate was just different in that era. So fine, he used PEDs the last few years of his career, discount his production in those years by however much you want - 50%, 75%, hell 100%….he’s still a HOFer.
  17. It wasn’t just that year either - it was 2001-2004. It was unreal.
  18. These are the symptoms. You have to ask yourself, what sort of smug douchebag must he be just in general to keep doing things that he’s despised for? It’s not just that he acted like a bitch when he whined about Texas back in the day - it was the passive-aggressive “I won’t stoop to his level” bitchassedness which he followed up by getting outplayed by Sonny fucking Cumbie. It’s not that he didn’t get vaccinated, it’s that he decided to be a bitch about it and wouldn’t just come out and say that, instead saying he was “immunized” by some homeopathic bullshit artist. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room all the time and, like everyone who thinks this, he shows his ass repeatedly. He’s just a smug, arrogant cocksucker; nobody likes smug, arrogant cocksuckers, nor should they.
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