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Hank Chinaski

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Everything posted by Hank Chinaski

  1. At AA in 2016, Bregman hit .297/.415/.559 with a 9% K rate at age 22. Dezenzo is around .250/.335/.455 with a 26% K rate at age 23-24.
  2. They should. As should the Eagles, Dolphins, Jags, Seahawks, Patriots, Buccaneers, Vikings, Saints, etc…
  3. What this post presupposes is…Tucker actually comes back?
  4. I mean, someone did. About 12 years ago.
  5. This fucking guy spent two paragraphs writing about how a throwaway line by an OB writer about taking home a girl from a bar wasn’t an exact analog of Texas taking their baseball coach. I mean wtf.
  6. Those are great. This isn’t difficult.
  7. If a few plays on defense go the right way, the Red Raiders could be a dark horse contender for the Big 12 title when scouting offensive skill talent making a comeback.
  8. I bet they look shitty in any setting.
  9. I always enjoy reading about how underhanded and toxic we are; I just want to know what they are actually talking about. Like, some specific examples. And no, taking their baseball coach doesn’t count (coaches jump to other schools all the time, and their claims of our toxicity far predate that event), nor does taking espn’s money to televise our stuff (because why the fuck wouldn’t we, or anyone else?). I would love to hear them lay out their case with actual events and a modicum of honesty, but I suspect that they don’t really have anything and this is just dogma at this point.
  10. Ummmm embraced? He was treated horrifically by a giant segment of the public for years and he’s on the short list of athletes who are 100% justified in being bitter about his general treatment by the public/“fans.” Holy shit.
  11. Chas is a 115 OPS+ guy over 88% of his career PAs (2021-2023) and 65 OPS+ over 12% (2024). Seems reasonable to assume that he is probably more like the guy we’ve seen 88% of his career than the guy we’ve seen this season. Players don’t typically collapse at age 29, and players frequently have bad 166-PA stretches. It’s possible that he’s done as a good MLB player, but I don’t think that is the most likely scenario. (Not saying I wouldn’t trade him in the right deal, just that he probably hasn’t just ceased being a good player.)
  12. This whole idea that the most immediately recent results are the determinant of how program quality is hilarious to me. If it is that fast and easy to “surpass” Texas as a program, then it will be just as fast and easy to get surpassed, right? So what are we even talking about?
  13. Yeah, I mean if there is communication about it, that’s what I’d think of as “hard evidence,” and that would seem to be pretty damning.
  14. I know nothing about any of this - how difficult is it to “prove” some sort of collusion? Couldn’t clubs reasonably argue that they don’t want him on their team because he’s an unlikable, immature douchebag that they don’t want around (assuming there isn’t hard evidence that it’s more than that)? I mean, Barry Bonds went unsigned coming off of a 169 OPS+ season in 2007. That seemed like blackballing, but I guess clubs could have argued that they had legitimate reasons not to bring him in - he’s a dick, too much of a circus, etc. Anyway, if such a suit came to pass, what evidence is required to win/settle? Simply being good enough to play in MLB doesn’t necessarily mean that you automatically get to play, right?
  15. I mean, Texas had the best record of any P5 team for the decade of the ‘00s, won a title, played for another (and should have played for another); Mack wasn’t getting fired after one bad season because of what he’d accomplished, not because he was a salesman.
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