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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by DDD Dad

  1. 20 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

    Talulah Riley has played several roles in the show. In season 1, she was the girl dressed in white who was helping young William in the dressing room. She was later seen as one of the hosts in the park, interacting with the Man in Black and Lawrence, then later with Maeve during the uprising. She was then used as the girl in black who was assigned to entice Logan and encourage his investment. It sounds like it was either going to be her or Dolores, but Arnold didn't think Dolores was ready for the part.

    She's really only played one role in the show, that of Angela, one of the original hosts.  In Westworld the park, like nearly all of the other hosts we've seen, she has had several roles.  In addition to the places you mentioned, she also could be seen with the parasol in the original town back when the first hosts were learning to dance, interact, etc.  (Similar to Maeve being a homesteader and then the madam).

  2. 4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I really don't want to see it, because there is no way in hell Ryan or McConnell will do anything about it, and then Trump will have free reign to clean house at the DOJ and essentially turn it into his own private police force.


    That doesn't sound fascist at all.


    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I've got some good stuff, and I live near you.  We'll get Chitown on Skype, toast the country, and sing the Russian national anthem.

    Because (1) irony, and (2) goddamn, that's a great national anthem.

    I'm only 3 hours away.

  4. 1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    No. The Supreme Court decided 8-0 that the President must comply with a criminal subpoena even in the face of executive privilege claims. Richard Nixon had to turn over the watergate tapes. I don’t see any discernible difference here. The President can be compelled by subpoena in a criminal investigation. Assuming Gorsuch would recuse, I imagine another 8-0 decision 

    If it weren't 8-0 the Republic would be finished.

  5. 7 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I used to think this was a bit, but there are actually people that truly believe that if Trump loses the election in 2020 that he won't leave office?  That is past crazy to just plain retarded.

    As to the dinner, the WHC had to know what they were getting when they hired her.  It didnt seem to me to be that brutal but it was just completely unfunny.  I am sure it resonated with about 10% of the market but the other 90% just thought it was dumb.



    You might need to check somewhere other than Rasmussen for your percentages.


  6. Come on, guys.  This is the same guy that thinks the battle of Thermopylae was between Romans and Trojans.

    He isn't worth the bandwith to take seriously.

  7. 23 hours ago, CHEF DIESEL said:

    I wonder how the Byron Nelson will fair at the new Trinity Forest venue in South Dallas. I have been on the course and it is a complete departure from the old venue. No trees, no shade. Links style course.


    I predict the pros will EAT IT UP.  May is not the time for that course.  Greens will be softer and slower than desired, and the pros will be taking target practice out there.  Birdie fest.  The only hope is if they get 20-30 mph steady winds with higher gusts.  Needs to be played in September if they want to make par relevant. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I'm not advocating the traditional dinner.  I'm noting that we no longer have the traditional dinner.  I think the hosts should be free to have whatever kind of dinner they want.  I do think, though, that they should be honest about the objective.  Whether it's  (1) a "truth to power"/fun for liberal journalists dinner,  (2) a nerd prom or (3) a party designed to improve relations between the White House and the press corps they should be upfront about their objective and work to make the event comport with the objective.  They shouldn't let their event get hijacked.  Nut it's their event to do with as they choose, or even to let it get fucked up because they can't exert the right kind of leadership.

    What if they served donuts?

  9. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Lacy is the thing that doesn't hold up. Today she's a 6 best case.  A pox on you and yours for even suggesting Caddyshack doesn't hold up....  

    and to whoever said Arthur is dated...... fuck that noise too (said with nothing but  brotherly Surly love of course)....

    Lacy a 6?!?


  10. 17 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    Pics of sister?




    also I feel like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Alien(s) special effects still look great to this day. I prefer that over most CGI. 

    She played Danny’s sister. The one running in the house in her bra. Right at the beginning of the movie. The friend was the brother who said something like “you can’t paint brick”. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, 686 said:

    I nominate Roman Holiday. Its a nice little flick, but 10 Oscar nominations and 3 wins? WTF?  It's a Wonderful Life is a timeless classic from several years before that only garnered 5 nominations / no wins.


    Additionally:    Donna Reed >> Audrey Hepburn 


  12. 2 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Knowing my ancestors and myself the way I do, I find it very hard to believe that I would have attended a lynching. 

    You’re an SAE right?

    Glass houses yada yada. 


    In all seriousness though, I think it is far too easy for us as adults in hindsight and hopefully enlightened by history to say we would not act that way. 

    I know I wouldn’t have only because of my circumstances (would not have been in the South), but if circumstances were different and I were not of a minority or oppressed group I cannot say I wouldn’t have been swayed by pressure to act badly (or at least go along to get along). It is frightening to recognize but I think simply denying the possibility is ignoring human nature.




  13. OK in the unpopular opinions category I will toss out 





    Absolutely loved it at the time and had a personal connection to it (A classmate friend of mine and his sister had speaking parts in it), pretty much had the entire film memorized, and continue to use quotes from it, but it really hasn’t held up (except for Lacy). 

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