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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DDD Dad

  1. Weren’t you just complaining that no one was posting in it?
  2. I clicked on that hoping it was satire. I was disappointed.
  3. I didn't consider his last response to be bad faith. Misguided and simplistic, perhaps. I can understand your disagreement with his opinion, especially given your personal attachment to and passion regarding this issue, but perhaps you might want to reflect on whether a kneejerk response like the last one was warranted.
  4. Well that was a measured response.
  5. https://media1.tenor.com/m/53mO4htkMIYAAAAd/i-dont-believe-you-lies.gif
  6. DDD Dad


    What they're selling: What you're actually getting: Also somewhat humorous and ironic is the use of INXS for the background music. Yeah the lead singer died by accidentally autoerotically asphyxiating himself. What would GOP Jesus have thought of that?
  7. The story is being reported widely by the local news outlets as well as national "left wing" news outlets such as CNN. But continue to view this through a partisan lens, by all means.
  8. How do you have green grass in your yard? Did you overseed or those all just weeds?
  9. If anyone would know I would think it to be you.
  10. Miranda Brooke? Also, how dare he have John Legend sing at his wedding!
  11. Slightly off topic but not sure where to post this. Can we talk about the shadow campaign by Hobby Lobby magnate David Green? "Christianity is all about serving your fellow man. Here, let me wash your feet while I take away your rights to medical care, equal treatment based on sexuality, and ship a bunch of you back to where you came from." https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154880673/jesus-commercial-super-bowl-billboard-he-gets-us-hobby-lobby-evangelical-billion https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html
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