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Everything posted by APMP

  1. Sometimes I think these August swoons happen every season just so the baseball gods can remind us how bad things were in the dark days of the early 2010s. Message received. Now go out there and get back on track.
  2. APMP

    The Unicorn

    I'm a nerd so I watch all the upfront trailers. I will give this a shot because I'll give anything that Boyd Crowder is in a shot.
  3. Once more into the late West Coast games breach.
  4. Gerrit Cole signs extension with Astros confirmed. Unless you meant 2021 opener for some other team.
  5. Our two best players started too (Kante and Pull because I'm a homer). Shirley a coincidence.
  6. My heart says Chelsea my head says we doomed. C'mon Chelsea.
  7. Here's the registration for the logo in Class 25 (apparel). Note that it specifically states color is not claimed as a feature. Meaning it covers the logo in all colors.
  8. They would likely have a case because trademark registrations don't technically specify directionality, and it's clear the horns down is supposed to evoke the trademark owner But they would never hear the end of it from rivals, which is probably why they'll never do it.
  9. This thread reminds me of the Texas-Tennessee trademark settlement. Honestly some of it may be IP law legend around these parts, but there's probably some basis in truth. TL;DR version I've been told is that there was a brouhaha about "UT". So the schools divided the country along the Mississippi. Allegedly, the impact of the settlement (though perhaps not the specific wording) was that trademark licensing revenue west of the Mississippi, even for Vols gear, went to Austin. And similarly, east of the Mississippi went to Knoxville. Here's one article that describes it a little. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1986/02/14/The-University-of-Texas-has-reached-a-settlement-with/9255508741200/ Vols don't really use the UT as much as the orange T these days.
  10. Legit, because it is has unfortunately become required by the trademark regime in the US. Another poster went over the reasons why naked licensing won't help.
  11. Well hell I may as well suit up for the defense, can't imagine I'd be worse.
  12. The only prescription is more Puli
  13. Good. IMO this is a no brainier in terms of liability (back of the ticket waiver is never perfect) and PR.
  14. We ready. (Avengers Endgame spoilers, don't click if you are the one person in the world who hasn't seen the movie yet)
  15. Hinch playing chess here. If Devo gets it done in the 9th, it might be just the thing to right his ship.
  16. I have a sight concern that a blister made the decision for Hinch. It would suck if Sanchez is gonna miss some starts.
  17. So when does Yuli get player of the month for July
  18. Don't think that's the preferred nomenclature anymore. Yuli out front shoulda told ya.
  19. Somebody, quick, make the trip aces shirt
  20. I'm wondering if the Mets turned down that package for Thor
  21. Being reported that DBacks picking up $24 million of the $77m owed to Greinke.
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