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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. I also like Tango and Cash for what it is. It could have been so much better of a movie. It has its moments…just enough to watch. But it could have been a huge hit with a better plot/screenplay and direction and honestly better villain. Still I know why y’all watched it
  2. I’m not a big Tony Danza fan but I did really like that movie She’s out of control (Ami Dolenz—her dad is Micky Dolenz—below plays Tony Danza’s teen daughter who goes from nerdy to a makeover—Matthew Perry had a small role as a jerk.) the movie is actually funny as her dad goes slowly batshit by his daughter transforming and showing off her assets. Ami actually had a small burst of fame in mid to late 80’s with Can’t Buy Me Love and Witchboard 2.
  3. Yep. It was a really good year for movies. Like a couple on the list between 100-200 trumps a lot of the shit I’ve seen lately. So much now is derivative. Series and shows are where it’s at now.
  4. Yep. Just moved around between kinfolk and winds up with daddy and daddy’s wonderful friend. Daddy (black tshirt) is pictured with the monster POS: also not sure what this event is being pictured but it’s bizarre, no?
  5. Hasn’t read about this case/followed it. But I guess it’s making the rounds on local news 24 years later. Maybe he walked into the lake? I doubt it from the details of the disappearance and possible person of interest. Or maybe he’s in hiding in another country? Anyway, I was in school then and always following true crime so don’t know why I don’t remember hearing about the below disappearance. Paresh Patel owned several bars around 6th in the late 90’s early 2000. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/6th-street-paresh-patel-dissapearance-missing-persons/269-988d4466-df7a-4d33-a4f0-d72ff90bfa16 It was September of 2000. Patel, a 36 year-old club owner and entrepreneur, was in charge of some of the hottest nightlife spots in Downtown Austin. "He was a a well known, established figure in the downtown entertainment district," Wood said. "He owned multiple bars." One of those bars was called Metro. On Monday, Sept. 25, Patel swung by the club. "That was standard practice for him. He would pick up the weekends, take of the money," Wood said. Carrying a large amount of cash, Patel then made his way toward Azucar, a Latin dance club he also owned, located on Lavaca Street. Soon after that, he was never seen again.
  6. Shit 1987 was one of those years (The All Nighter) and I guarantee there are at least two dozen on it that most have seen and like but will never admit it. I admit it! There are like ten more on this below list I covet that qualify. https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=1987-01-01,1987-12-31
  7. But don’t you think that makes you uniquely qualified to run? If you can be the King of the Dipshits of this palace of degenerates, you can convince and influence the entire flock man. Think!
  8. I wish one of you lawyer types always squawking on here would run for shit in Austin.
  9. It’s a fun flick. It’s actually better than similar films from the same time period. Ones that most have seen and are popular. I had a crush on the guy who played CJ. (John Terelsky) who oddly enough had a bit part in Secret Admirer (another film I listed in this thread.) anyway he does behind camera work and has for a long time. But I had big crush. People should watch the Allnighter this weekend for kicks. It really takes you back. Also, was kinda surprised Susanna Hoffs (who still looks amazing) didn’t have a bigger career in film/television. I’m also surprised DeDee Pfieffer didnt have more of a career. Not as big as Michelle but still…
  10. Thats what is crazy. They want to eradicate whole groups and races of people. And yet they are the very ones that need to be eliminated. I guess it’s preemptive. Get others so you don’t get got? Yep. We see these stories all too often. Right now on Court Tv is a case of a man on trial for beating his 7 year old to death. Drugs. Lots of drugs. The parenting here is atrocious and the parenting of 11 year old Audrii is atrocious. Letting that POS be in her orbit ended her life. But there are thousands of parents like hers all over the country. I weep for those kids. We don’t care enough to keep them safe and away from their parents and extended family. This guy is the boogeyman and her daddy let him live in a camper behind the house. And he was so grateful to have a place to stay to get back on his feet he raped and killed his friend’s 11 year old daughter. This is where the irrational side of me takes over because I want the defendant taken care of in a way I won’t even type out. And if Audrii’s parents have any other children for them to be placed elsewhere and for them to be prevented from having future children. I know that it’s irrational and wrong and won’t happen but there will be another Audrii tomorrow…and the week after that and the week after that. And there is no outrage enough to make sure there isn’t another one. we don’t care enough. She should be enjoying school and excited for spring break. We don’t care enough. We care more about the rights of criminals than Audrii’s rights because reasons…
  11. A little criminal history (most but obviously not all his crimes seem innocuous but when it accumulates like his does why on earth was he walking free? At all?) It’s not like he learned any kind of lesson and some people can’t function outside of prison. and I’m not btw way saying all people with somewhat similar records are incorrigible or can’t be rehabilitated. But most cannot. Fact. I’m cool with three strikes and done for most criminals. Because that’s what they are. That’s their vocation. That’s all they do and all they have to offer. here is his record: In 2003, he was charged with possession of a dangerous drug in Liberty County. In 2005, he was arrested in Baytown for evading arrest or detention. In 2006, he was charged with possession of a controlled substance and theft by the Harris County Sheriff's Office. In 2007, he was convicted of enticing a minor with intent out of Brazoria County. In 2009, he was charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle in Baytown. In 2010, he was charged by HCSO for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In 2014, he was charged with theft and reckless driving by HCSO. In 2019, the Liberty County Sheriff's Office charged him with aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury. In 2020, HCSO charged him with harassment. In 2023, Conroe police charged him with resisting arrest. Records show that McDougal served two years in prison in Huntsville between September 2020 and September 2022. During the search for Audrii, McDougal was taken into custody on an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge. Why was he free to do this? Why? The three I have bolded on his record is enough for me that three strikes you’re out of circulation among the free. You’re a resident of jail until you die
  12. Exactly. I get prisons need massive reform. But in the abstract the idea of them is to punish, keep people on the outside safe and to hopefully rehabilitate. we all know prisons fall hideously short of all of that. And another topic obviously. When we are talking about someone who likely raped an 11 year old and murdered her there is no place for him in jail nor in society. He can’t be “made” better. There is no pill to swallow no therapist to fix. He is coffin filler. And it’s necessary. He should be facing the DP (and I am not a proponent of the DP—but in cases like this—the deliberate rape and murder of an 11 year old—why even fucking have it if we can use it on him?) if he’s not executed or put on death row, I don’t think he will be accepted too kindly in prison. Aryan Brotherhood or not. I’d tell people Stop trying to save monsters like him or advocate we do try. There is no save. Some people do horrible things with their freedom and this is the end result of that. If he were to get out he’d do the same thing. That’s why he needs to be eliminated. He won’t ever change. He is evil. We have to make the change for him. He’s wired like that. He will always be wired like that. Nothing worth salvaging.
  13. Yep unless he was firing on them. He was jailed on an unrelated assault charge following her disappearance. By the time he was the main suspect he was already behind bars. The parenting here is beyond tragic. I agree. Lots of drugs and shitty living and it sucks when we see a little girl like that and go, “She never had a chance.” Not with those parents and it sucks we as a society don’t care enough to make sure other Audrii’s don’t mean the same fate.
  14. This monster (note the swastikas tattoos) was the last thing that 11 year old sweetie saw. He should never have been free to do this. He’s coffin filler on a good day. On another note, I don’t care if he was a friend of her father’s. It’s absolute hideous neglect to let that monster live in a camper behind your house and occasionally take your 11 year old daughter to school. This whole thing sucks. This disgusting POS is someone who was charged/convicted of enticed a minor 17 years ago (in addition to his very lengthy criminal history) and somehow didn’t have to register as a sex offender. But man we gotta let him out of prison right? What about his rights? He can be fixed? Right? An 11 year old girl’s last thought is being murdered by a man who shouldn’t have been free to do this in the first place. Rehabilitation never works for these types of offenders. Period. They should never be free. And imo since they will never stop doing this shit should be eradicated.
  15. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/education/alex-okafor-pflugerville-school-board/269-99a82c6b-6aee-4124-822c-979f6c1c6f88 Alex Okafor, a former 🤘🏼Texas Football 🤘🏼and NFL star, has filed to run for the Place 1 seat of the Pflugerville ISD school board. The seat, currently held by David Aguirre, is up for election, as is Place 2, currently held by Tony Hanson. ———- Hook’em and good for him.
  16. The Allnighter — Susanna Hoffs, Joan Cusack and Dedee Pfeiffer Secret Admirer: C Thomas Howell, Lori Laughlin and Kelli Preston (has a pretty good cast and a funny plot as it involved adults and not just teens.) Brain Smasher: A Love Story-(this is a bizarre movie but fun. About Chinese monks not ninjas Terri Hatcher and Andrew Dice Clay.) I am not really embarrassed. If you’ve seen any of these or all three and didn’t enjoy them the most you could say is I have shitty taste I guess.
  17. Audrii’s body has been found. Not unexpected but still always a gut punch with these types of cases. RIP little girl. I sincerely hope bc of the colder weather they will be able to ascertain cause of death, etc… Since there is a POS person of interest I hope if he is involved he will be charged and successfully prosecuted. And the obligatory fuck him. Die screaming motherfucker. UPDATE: The body of a missing East Texas girl was reportedly found in the Trinity River, Houston news outlet KPRC reported Tuesday.
  18. Can’t really remember the last time a state/city/police department said, “Hey we fucked up! From A to Z we really screwed up.”
  19. Pete Carroll is really taking being removed as HC of the Seahawks hard man.
  20. Yep. Truth. Quite honestly, it’s what Austin deserves right now. Getting exactly what they think they want. Or been told to want. And with our ever expanding homeless population and traffic fuckery and all these fucking people moving here…it’s important that we have FEWER officers (fabulous plan.) Hey, I’m all for it. fewer officers near Rainey!!! The entertainment district just has a phantom drowning people and a few dipshits that get into shootouts on 6th who are wannabe gangsters from Killeen or drunk fucks who go batshit because they were asked to leave when the bar closed. And honestly, that’s fine too. Let them off each other. Darwinism. I'd let all the high crime areas police themselves (cuz it works just about as well as cops policing those neighborhoods) and have cops just patrol areas that are necessary to protect like hospitals and schools etc.
  21. thought I’d put this out there in case anyone can help. From today’s press update on the missing 11 year old: Police asking anyone with cameras/video footage of FM1326 on February 15th between 6am -8am in the search for 11 year old Audrii Cunningham. She has been missing since that time frame. I understand Texas Equusearch is helping. I’ve volunteered for them in the past. There is a POS (person of interest) who lived in the camper behind Audrii’s father’s home. He is of course a fucking felon, the person of interest, Steven McDougal. He has a lengthy criminal history. In 2007, he was convicted of enticing a minor with intent out of Brazoria County. He is also believed to be affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood. He was a friend of her father and allowed to live in the trailer behind the father’s house. GFD! Police have also confirmed that he is the last person to have seen her. ————— Oddly enough, Steven POS McDougal wasn’t required to register as a sex offender. I will not be shedding any tears if he gets “ganked” in prison. People like this cannot be rehabilitated and anyone who supports anything other than life behind bars for people like him are the problem. I also want to say it would also be helpful if people took seriously their responsibility of being a parent. And cherish it. And honor it. Praying for the best and expecting the absolute worst. Anyway if anyone has video of that area let the police know.
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