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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Legalize marijuana. It’s a win win. Helps the farmers. Government loves to create new groups and shit. Create a marijuana department. Have oversight. Tax it and use the taxes on state infrastructure. I started doing gummies over a year and a half ago for my rheumatoid arthritis. Game changer for me. I have THC ones and ones without. Stop penalizing people for using it or selling that specifically. No prison time. No jail time. Nothing on your record unless you are a violent cartel type. It gets rid of the fentanyl problem with government oversight and start moving major industries (manufacturing plants and such) south of the border. Partner with disadvantaged countries for schools abroad. I have so many ideas since I got sober and started doing weed. If my family and friends hadn’t loved me enough I’d be on a drunk bender. Every fucking week. Now I’m an elite assassin. A phantom. I’m a badass now.
  2. Chilean Sea Bass are amazing. They are like scallops in a way. Everyone should try them. Or go see them in the lake…I have taught them tricks. Back flips. Basically, I have a pod of them in the lake. They behave better than dolphins. 🐬 I may take this act to Sea World.
  3. Obviously you’re not a golfer. We can do a lot to address the homeless population (no I don’t mean drownings) Austin just won’t do a lot of the things cities that have been successful in helping the homeless are doing. Our former mayor toured Seattle, Portland and San Francisco instead of Vienna, Helsinki, Columbus Ohio or Salt Lake City. Those cities got rid of shelters and using a Housing first model. Shelters were seen as temporary. Houston and San Antonio have a different and successful model (mayors from NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles have visited these two to see how they’ve reduced their homeless populations by 2/3rds.) Abilene as shitty a place as it is has 0 homeless veterans thanks to their successful program. if we cared about offering them dignity, help and choices…we’d understand that letting them live under bridges, downtown, around the lake and junking up the green belt is unacceptable. Letting them do this is not compassion. It’s dumbassery. You get them housing and you get them help. You don’t let them live where they are and use drugs and drink. None of the cities I’ve mentioned allow this. You get them help for a dignified future. And if they don’t want the help bus them the fuck out of dodge. Thats what many successful cities (San Antonio is conquering their problem.) tough love isn’t wrong in this situation. But you don’t ring the dinner bell like the former Austin Mayor and tell them all to “come on down” when you don’t have the infrastructure and hope to use all who “came on down” as a political weapon to get housing. It’s a huge problem. Doing that doubled maybe even tripled the homeless population. I am still in Atlanta. Plus, homeless people are easy targets. Not enough points for elite assassins on my level 😜
  4. I at least figured it wasn’t an orchestrated terror plot because listening to the news in the car on the way to my Valentines dinner they said the shooting happened at the end of the parade. Just figured that out using my limited semantics and I study crime and shit. My dinner dessert (the restaurant has Big Lebowski stuff all over the menu and restaurant)
  5. Damn Brittany Mahomes…I just…her husband is the GOAT (or on his way to GOAT status) but I get her sentiment. Very poorly written. However, I am stealing “highly embarrassed and disappointed” for every shooting covered on surly. Tots and Pears 🍐 has grown stale. I am highly fucking embarrassed and mother fucking disappointed in today’s shooting at the Kansas City fucking parade of winning! KC is kind of getting on my nerves football team that is becoming Patriot-like man! (See how that carries more weight than tots and pears?)
  6. Making the rounds on “X” (fucking Twitter man):
  7. Favorite is brown sugar cinnamon. Toast it up and drizzle honey on it. Yum.
  8. Jeez. Man my brother texted me (he works there and at other Austin hospitals) and he’d just left through that same entrance ten minutes before. Jeez.
  9. If they’d put up some strategic cameras around the lake we might learn more…
  10. Anyway, I am sure the multiple aliases are confusing people regarding the shooter’s identity. Regardless, I hope the man shot in the leg and the child recover though news reports say life threatening injuries for child. Critical.
  11. who knows what Moreno’s goal was (or whatever her true name is)…read about the Palestine on the gun. But honestly this person probably had some psychological issues so a true motive may never be found out. And even if we get a motive—the shooter basically had several screws loose so what makes sense to them won’t make sense to most. Having said that Joel Osteen is a pos. Glad no one else was hurt. But he is a charlatan and it’s sad he has such a huge following. Preaching his bs prosperity shit. I listened to a few sermons over 20 years ago. What struck me is how little God or scripture is actually mentioned in his bullshit. People will fall for anything.
  12. Body language on Chefs sideline looks like defeat
  13. Fuck yes! Overtime! More football. Nickelodeon scrambling for extra football.
  14. I love how teams can’t really score all game and then run a beautiful 2 minute drill for all the marbles. Or crabby patties.
  15. Commercials are really a mixed bag…a couple of good ones. Dunkin was my favorite.
  16. Nickelodeon still laughing about the crabby patty in Mahomes’ pants.
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