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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. One officer was stabbed yesterday multiple times by the suspect that was shot dead. Another officer gave CPR to the suspect who died. Ofcourse 🙄 the AG’s office is investigating the shooting. The officer that was stabbed will survive but lost so much blood he had to be airlifted. The wife of the suspect had called 911 saying the suspect was acting violently. Then when officers arrived the suspect jumped on top of an officer repeatedly stabbing him. It’s good to investigate to make sure it was all done correctly. He then saw an officer on the snow applying chest compressions to the man police shot -- 33-year-old Taiquell Woodson. He says another officer had a bloodied arm after police say Woodson stabbed him multiple times. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/bay-shore-police-shooting-udall-road-suffolk-county/
  2. This police officer was shot yesterday trying to apprehend a POS already involved in a separate shooting. Hopefully, the officer involved survives. The suspect is dead. Sorry some of my initial ones were within the last couple of days/weeks. I will focus on just current ones but wanted to include a few older stories for emphasis. The incident that lead to Byrne's injuries began after officers were investigating a deadly shooting that happened near the intersection of 9th and Kerlin streets, Upland Police Chief Mike Irey said. Officers with the Chester and Upland police departments tried to pull over a car just before 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, that was suspected to be involved in that shooting, Irey told NBC10. The car fled from the officers and crashed at the intersection of 15th and Upland streets, Irey said. The officers then chased the suspect on foot before gunshots were fired by the suspect and the Chester police officer near 14th Street and Arbor Drive, according to officials.“ https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/officer-shot-twice-in-delaware-county-on-saturday-official-says/3779424/?amp=1
  3. This cop was stabbed to death and a witness (a hero) shot and killed the assailant and tried to save the cop’s life. hopefully, the witness won’t see any jail time for doing the world a favor by ending the assailant’s sorry life. Thankful for good samaritans. The true ones. “A New Mexico police officer died after he was stabbed by a suspect who was shot and killed by a witness to the attack on Sunday evening, police said. Las Cruces Patrol Officer Jonah Hernandez was stabbed at least once shortly before 5 p.m. after responding to a report of a trespasser, the Las Cruces Police Department said in a statement posted on social media. A witness to the attack used the officer's police radio to call for help after the stabbing, but Hernandez died after he was taken to MountainView Regional Medical Center in Las Cruces, police said. The suspect, a 29-year-old man, was believed to have been shot and killed by the witness, according to police, who did not release the suspect's identity pending notification of his next of kin. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/las-cruces-police-officer-killed-jonah-hernandez-stabbed-death-suspect/
  4. This law might (hopefully ?) get rid of more bad police. Sadly we I guess need this law? https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/wandering-officers-texas-investigation/285-83e3d3bb-b099-4d88-9707-32967749efa0
  5. This cop died saving a mentally ill man on the train tracks: Easley Police Officer Matthew Hare died as he was helping get a man experiencing a mental health crisis off the train tracks in Easley. The man was saved. Hare was hit by an oncoming passenger train and died at the scene. He was 22. https://www.police1.com/officer-down/22-year-old-sc-police-officer-killed-while-saving-person-on-train-tracks-2CxISuTobmPM3gmM/ This cop saved a dog whose snout was zip tied shut. The cop adopted the dog: https://www.wishtv.com/news/indiana-news/dog-found-with-snout-zip-tied-shut-adopted-by-south-bend-officer-who-rescued-him/
  6. The idea for this thread is there are not only wonderful and heroic first responders (paramedics, firefighters and nurses) but also police officers. Many of these people die in the act of saving others. Sometimes they save others in death. But most always they are cleaning up our mess. And I am grateful for the good ones that exist in all of these professions because without them we would be in a world of hurt. I am thankful for all of them and I salute them. Thank you! By the way, this is a place where anyone can say whatever the fuck they want. If you want to rant and rave about cops being evil go right ahead. For every post like that I will just find a post where a cop has done something good. I am not going to tell you how you should think or post or where to post it because I’m not a macho misogynist asshole who whines about the one time that they got pulled over for a DUI. This firefighter who died in a training exercise organs were donated so the lives of others could be saved: NEW YORK — The FDNY held a plaque dedication on Sunday to honor Firefighter William P. “Billy” Moon II, who died in 2022 from injuries sustained in a fall during training. Moon’s organs were donated to five individuals, including two retired FDNY firefighters. FDNY Lieutenant Terrence Jordan received Moon’s lungs, and FDNY Captain Patrick Reynolds received his liver. https://www.firerescue1.com/fdny/ceremony-honors-fallen-fdny-firefighter-whose-organ-donation-saved-5-lives This police officer revived a baby that had no pulse: https://www.midfloridanewspapers.com/highlands_news-sun/hero-cop-revives-baby-that-had-no-pulse/article_40b66328-a4d4-11ee-955a-6b62156a91af.html This off-duty cop and firefighter pulled three people from a burning car: Police Officer Kevin Colomba, 35 — a seven-year veteran of the force and a captain with the Warwick Fire Department with 17 years there under his belt — had just finished a midnight shift with the Port Authority at the George Washington Bridge when he came upon the head-on crash on Route 17A in Tuxedo around 7 a.m. Monday, officials said. Colomba jumped into action, pulling the driver of one vehicle to safety before turning to two people in the second car as flames began to engulf the vehicle, according to the Port Authority police union. https://nypost.com/2023/10/31/metro/hero-off-duty-port-authority-cop-pulls-three-people-from-fiery-wreck-on-his-way-home-from-work/amp/ Anyway, I am grateful for the good ones. I’m grateful there is still a lot of good in the world.
  7. Message received and will start thread.
  8. Well at least the shooter in this case is also dead (good) and we KNOW the shooter is definitely a bad guy. I guess the firefighter/paramedic was also collateral damage. The two cops I guess by virtue of being “cops” killed were probably bad. I kind of feel the same way about groups of people that support violent criminals in their own group. They are also shit. 💩 Two police officers and a paramedic were shot and killed in Burnsville Sunday morning, authorities said, and the man who shot them is also dead. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said it is investigating. The BCA did not say how the shooter died. Burnsville city officials identified the victims as officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge and firefighter/paramedic Adam Finseth. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/burnsville-incident-with-weapons-law-enforcement-responds/ We would probably need fewer cops if we taught people rape and murder is wrong..but I guess since we can’t do that or you know shun the people in society who do shit like that we have to have cops? There is nothing worse than a bad cop or a government official abusing power and yet if people could you know not be pieces of dog shit and control their actions we’d need fewer cops and fewer government regulations and officials. But that’s a bridge too far.
  9. I’d love a world where we don’t need police. I’ve been told repeatedly this is a thread for bad cops. But also been told there is no such thing as a good cop. There isn’t a thread for cops doing the right thing. I’m personally glad as a victim of true crime there are good cops. That do help. Since so many violent criminals are protected by others. Their rights are more important than mine or other victims. I have no use for bad cops. But again this thread is proof that yall don’t believe good ones exist and we should police our own. And that’s horsehit. We could create a utopian society and there would still be bad actors. Of all positions. Of all walks in life. We should just let them continue to act bad I guess.
  10. Not disagreeing with you at all. But three individuals—two cops and one firefighter were murdered today by someone who should not have been in a position to do so. It’s a multifaceted problem —depending on the circumstances of the suspect—but the fact remains the person that ended their lives has likely had zero positive impact on society and never will.
  11. Nor should we repeatedly allow violent criminals to continue to have chances. Sometimes they’ve forfeited their right to be free. Other times they have forfeited their right to live because they’ve proven they will only harm more people. If they get taken out we shouldn’t spend a millisecond being upset about it—it’s keeping someone else and their family alive and safe. The trail of destruction these people leave behind forever alters the human experience. If the best you can do with your freedom is murder someone—I have no use for you. I speak as a victim of violent crime—I know where my assailant wound up. And like all the other people who commit crimes like that continues to be an unbelievable waste of space and effort and time. And has done the same thing to two other people. But yeah we should try to save him? Feel bad when he eventually kicks the bucket? Nope. I forgive him but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe he shouldn’t die screaming. And wind up in the 9th circle of hell. Yall can debate all day long about why some people turn into whatever they become. I say once they become that fuck em.
  12. I’m serious though about violent criminals. Their demise should be cheered on as much as the death of a POS police officer. Neither belongs here. Truth.
  13. — Two police officers and one first responder were shot and killed early Sunday while responding to a domestic abuse call in a Minneapolis suburb, according to a law enforcement association. The deaths of the two Burnsville police officers and the first responder were confirmed by the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, which represents public safety professionals in the state. “Horrific news from Burnsville,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said in a post on Facebook. “While responding to a call of a family in danger, two police officers and one firefighter lost their lives, and other officers were injured. https://apnews.com/article/officers-medic-shot-killed-burnsville-minnesota-e742b13f0d2ddca009e38337f46435b5 Died trying to help a family from a likely POS fuckup that should either have been institutionalized or have been behind bars. Now three people (including a firefighter since I know some actually cheer the boys in blue getting killed) are dead. i get it. I actually cheer when a POS suspect like the guy who got all three dies. Cuz I literally know the pos suspect won’t ever amount to anything other than coffin filler. Ever. It’s actually a mercy killing. I know they won’t do anything other than fill a jail cell. Period. But yet we linger over their loss like a fly over a turd. The fire fighter and the officers that died have families. might have actually done other good things in life for someone else. I guarantee the POS that shot them NEVER will. I cheer every time a murderer or violent crime gets prison or taken out. Thats how it should be. Cuz I know we can’t fix them. And quite honestly we waste too much time and resources on them. For what? So we can watch them ruin the lives of three families. Sure they have family too but their family is better off without them. My two cents.
  14. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/increased-patrols-schools-after-string-of-alleged-abduction-attempts/500-661187dd-429a-445e-a4d0-a454b2a4973c Hopefully, they catch the POS perp before he kidnaps and kills somebody’s daughter. I would almost guarantee this person has a record and shouldn’t be out free. As is the case with most of these POS. They CANNOT be rehabilitated and quite honestly we should spend more time on young people and foster kids and such and stop worrying about the POS who are wasted of space. They should be incarcerated for life. Or dead. I don’t care which. SMDH. We spend so much time worried about the absolute shittiest fuck ups in society when we should be saving people who haven’t earned the right to be fucking eradicated. It baffles me. We linger over the worst of society and lament it. Instead of recognizing some people aren’t worth it.
  15. Believe me, CDC is aware. Hes a bigger BB fan even than football. He’ll work it out.
  16. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/missing/audrii-cunningham-update-texas-amber-alert-missing-livingston-polk-county/285-085c778d-27a4-4079-9db1-180ce2a739a2 I pray for a happy ending but I think we all know there will not be…damn…
  17. I don’t practice but I did graduate and pass the bar. It just wasn’t for me.
  18. It’s weird though because going to high school in the 1990’s and college/law school in the 2000’s now everything from that era is what the 18-25 demographic is into. We can tap into that. Also be a place for students to showcase their art and creativity. They have to see a message board as a cool place to throw out their ideas and shit. Our we could just blackmail a few of the popular ones and make them use surly. Just kidding. But I’m not kidding when I say they are into 80-90’s shit. Early 2000’s. We can be that spot for them.
  19. It is a weird story. I’m not a fan of all this “squatting” going on. There is an epidemic of this shit in Atlanta. And people falsifying deeds and all kinds of shit. It’s total bullshit and the courts don’t side with the victim of the squatting a lot of the time. Anyway off my soap box. This story will get weirder. It is already bizarre. But I’ve seen the movie Pacific Heights and I know shit can go real bad.
  20. So a little “gossip” regarding the woman that crashed into the hospital. This comes from a very reliable source that works there. Not joking.
  21. You should see how the Chilean Sea Bass respond to it. Game changer. Stoned fish. 🐠 I mean they live in that lake with no hope of getting out. Might as well get them high.
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