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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Please baby Burnt Orange friend of Jesus. Let us pick the Penix off.
  2. Well they are all wrong. Sweat or not we can’t get to Penix. Apparently no one watched Washington play all year or discounted them as weak. Because Pac12. Or thought Oregon was better both times Washington beat them. Whatever they are a very very good teams we have the most talent and potential. But we are sloppy and we just need to try and pick Oenix off. Just need to run the ball right now. Do what we do best. We can win other ways than with Ewers. And well Fuck another fumble/error.
  3. Washing is a great team this year with a 6th year (should have won the Heisman) experienced and talented QB and very good HC. So good he told aggy to fuck off and they let everyone know they offered. We are making sloppy penalties and we miss Brooks obviously. We can’t get pressure on Penix so try and pick him off instead. Ewers also picked a heck of a game to be below average. Hell of a time to have a QE growing pains game. Settle for trying to Penix off. He throws at least 1-3 a game. Try and capitalize. Pick him off. Not complaining as I am on vacation in Florida. Having a blast. The game notwithstanding. Also everyone go gave me shit about Washington not being good or a pretender and or not better than Oregon….you were all wrong. They are good. If they win they will beat Michigan. I hope we can employ a different strategy and stop making so many errors.
  4. Sure sure sure. In looking at the X or whatever I found this gem:
  5. They’ve been breaking it down over and over on ESPN. And over.
  6. My eyes reading that for sure.
  7. Just let me have one game man. I could win a road game. And be in the Ring of Honor too! It is my dream. Or a ring of fire 🔥 which is cooler than honor. Fire is better.
  8. We got a reprieve. It was our night. Stars aligned and all ⭐️ but McCarthy is a liability. In a different way from Campbell. Clock management loses games more so than going for it.
  9. It’s why Riverboat Ron is on his last stop. You sometimes must take the points. It demoralizes the team no matter how much toughness he instills in them. You gotta take the points. Shit if that had been against the old peak Brady we are walking out of our stadium with a loss.
  10. We got soooooooo lucky. 🍀
  11. Phew. All he had to do was kick extra point.
  12. Shoot me!!! In the face!!!!! This fucking game! Where is my Tylenol!??????
  13. This is about the same amount of time Texas gave OU. Fuck a duck.
  14. I’m still triggered by OU weekend. Run down the clock damnit. Give them nothing!!!
  15. The ole draw them offsides. This won’t work against Campbell’s defense. He will gnaw off their knee caps. It would not be the worst thing if this went to OT. Free for all for a sell out crowd.
  16. They will have about 20-30 seconds. If they get the ball back. If we get a first.
  17. The McCarthy school of clock management.
  18. Our issue is celebrating too early. Detroit’s issue is Goff in crunch time.
  19. Yes!!! This game is an anxiety attack.
  20. I kind of like Maryland’s uniforms? I sort of dig the stripes. Auburn is still rebuilding. Honestly it was an achievement to be 6-6. We’ll see what they can accomplish next year. It’s not easy reloading in a P5 (well P3 now that Pac is dead and ACC is falling apart and dissed.)
  21. If I’m QE I use this for jet fuel for the next two games! Also, media still can’t understand that Arch just wanted to go to Texas. Not Bama nor Georgia. Move on with the desperation media folk. He’s spelled it out for them and they still trying to look for an angle. Ofcourse he will get to play for Texas. And he wants to play for Texas. Move along. Nothing to see here but seething jealousy and trying to find a “story” where there simply is not one.
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