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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. I have olive salad and debated putting that on. It just seemed too busy at that point, but I will be making a muffaletta dog at some point in the future thanks to your suggestion
  2. Miller Lite is a perfect pairing here. Bonus points for your kid’s plate
  3. Yeah, I’d hammer that. Valentina’s, eggs, and black coffee are unbeatable
  4. Deduction for ceramic plates, but hot dogs from one of my hogs, my mom’s homemade kraut and candied japs, Whataburger spicy ketchup, brown mustard, Doritos, provolone hinge. Nice little breakfast before heading to the field
  5. Minnesota fucked up. Iowa’s opponents always do. Unless they’re playing a blue blood. DeJean is a badass though. As much as I hate to say it.
  6. They did, and that makes it SOOOOO much more entertaining. They know how the other side lives today.
  7. Justice. They’ve been fucking around for years and they found out. Finally.
  8. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. I hate these stupid assholes
  9. This game is an example of Iowa’s bullshit luck. Their only TD was on a drive where they didn’t actively pick up a first down. It was all Minnesota penalties. Including bailing them out of a goal line stand up. Minnesota also missed a FG due to a crazy wind gust.
  10. Could you guys just like not commit 75 yards of penalties for no reason? Thanks.
  11. I’ve taken down a few things like that in my time. Condiments help.
  12. I’d gladly try someone else’s. It sounds great. I don’t enjoy following recipes super close when I’m doing it myself. Just my weird quirk. I’ll adapt certain cooking methods, but almost every recipe I come across I immediately think “how can I fuck with this and still make it taste good?”. That’s why I love the Steel Shank thread so much. Maybe I’ll have my wife try it. She’s much more into (and better at) cooking to recipe. I get a shit load of good ideas from these food threads.
  13. Right. We use this term differently. I’m not going to try and convince you to accept my definition.
  14. It’s already soup season at this latitude. I came in here thinking “Texas chili” means “no beans” and other than that we’re talking about the same thing. We clearly aren’t, and that’s cool.
  15. You’ll see me in the soup thread posting a stew made with tomato purée, meat, peppers, onions, and lots of chili powder. There might even be black beans in that sumbitch.
  16. I underestimated the pedantry and provincialism surrounding the term “chili”. That’s on me. To you, chili is incredibly specific. It has rules. People argue about its origin. This thread is about recreating a very specific thing, and any deviation is subject to standards that appear wildly arbitrary to me, but are clearly based in some publication or history that I lack awareness of, and frankly am not that interested in. To me, chili is open ended. It’s always different, and at the end of the day, all that matters is if it’s good. We literally aren’t speaking the same language, and I get that. I misunderstood the point of this thread. So I’m not going to try and speak a different language at you, and continue to clutter a thread that I now realize I’m not even interested in making a proper contribution to.
  17. I’ll continue to serve a dish made with meat, peppers, onions, tomato purée, chili powder, garlic, and black beans. I’ll top it with cilantro, cheese, and onions. Maybe I’ll add some weird ingredients in the spirit of experimentation. See if it tastes good. I’ll call it chili. My guests will recognize it as chili. It’ll probably be fucking delicious. If it’s not, at least I learned something. But I’m definitely never posting it in here ever again. Jesus Christ.
  18. Hayden Fry was better than Ferentz. He actually won the Big 10 outright a couple of times, and Iowa was a dumpster fire when he got there. Ferentz took over a stable program and kept it remarkably consistent
  19. Approximately 40 of those 96 belonged to Jaz Kunc. He graduated at the right time
  20. It’s nuts. I’m relieved that local media in Iowa has finally recognized how bad Iowa’s SOS is and acknowledge what an advantage that is
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