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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. don't think they care. Harbaugh will find a way to make his team feel insulted no matter who the opponent is
  2. might be expecting a bit much from a freshman. yes, upgrade on the athleticism side, but that's not all that makes Washington so good
  3. yeah Boyz. play tight on coverage. kick it deep. regroup
  4. it would be funny as shit, if we tie this up, despite all that has happened
  5. Ewers not doing himself any favors if he is really thinking about coming out for the draft. The contrast in QBs is blinding
  6. our defensive line is tired. what's the TOP differential
  7. at this point, hoping to just get into the half tied
  8. their passing game makes ours look like kindergarten
  9. that fucker is standing behind the line, signaling first down
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